Five Ways To Earn Advertising Revenue From Your Hobby Website

Is there something that you are passionate about and that you could talk about for hours on end?

Perhaps it’s a pastime or hobby that interests you and that you would like to share with others. Nowadays, it’s very easy to do just that. You can have a blog or a website set up in a matter of minutes, and all without paying a lot of money to do so. Better yet, it is possible to turn that website into a money-making entity that will easily cover your overhead and put some money in your pocket to help fund that hobby. If this is something that you are interested in, then let’s look at how you can use advertising to earn revenue from your hobby website.

Sell ad space

When creating your website with the option for online advertising, be sure to set aside areas where ads can be shown. If you want to control and select who you want as an advertiser, then you can contact businesses directly to ask if they would be interested in buying ad space on your website. You will probably need to have a bigger audience or a high quality site and decent ad rates to get started here. However, this is a solid way to ensure that you only deal with businesses that you trust and want to build a long-term relationship with. It also ensures you get 100% of the ad serving revenue without sharing to any middlemen.

Use an ad network

Perhaps an easier but less profitable way for new publishers is to get ads onto your website through an ad network or ad exchange. These entities will automatically find and place ads for you. There are a lot of options out there but they are not all created equally. Some are shady and will place many low-quality ads that yield you low or no ad earning. You will want to find one that is reputable and allows you as much control as possible over the ads that are shown on your page, while also providing valuable data that you can use to further tweak those ads. The middlemen will take a significant commission from the advertisers before sharing a portion of the ad revenue with you.

Offer text ads

It’s not everyone that likes the idea of having ad banners plastered all over their website, but that does not mean that you can’t still make some advertising dollars. You can place strategic text ads within the content that you create, with certain words and phrases clickable to website visitors. These are very often done on a pay-per-click basis, but you can also look at pay-per-view, which could be profitable if you have a large audience and high quality content.

Display affiliate advertising

You may not be able to pull in big advertising money right away, but you can sign up to be an affiliate with businesses who are in your niche. Becoming an affiliate is free and usually means being able to get your hands on banners and graphics that come with your affiliate ID built-in. Some are pay-per-click, while others offer a percentage on sales made from your links.

Allow guest blogging

Ordinarily, most guest bloggers look for free places in which to share their posts or information about their business. If you have a good SEO exposure and decent traffic, you can charge them to post on your site. However, make sure that they are relevant to your niche and not in direct competition with your site.

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