Growth Marketing's True Power (And Curse).

Growth marketing enables you to scale and drive revenue by aligning your goals and marketing strategy, understanding you

Growth marketing enables you to scale and drive revenue by aligning your goals and marketing strategy, understanding your audience, and positioning yourself for success.

Growth marketing is a true force, but its advantages can also be its disadvantages. ProperExpression explains why growth marketing is so effective, as well as the marketing pitfalls to avoid.

Growth marketing is a subset of marketing that focuses on revenue and business expansion. It combines marketing, sales, technology, and other elements to help businesses scale and achieve measurable results. But with great power comes great responsibility!

While growth marketing has the potential to transform your company, if done incorrectly, it can also cause significant problems. You can unlock the full potential of this revenue generator if you are aware of the most common growth marketing pitfalls.

Growth Marketing's Strengths and Weaknesses:

  1. Aligning All of the Parts

Growth marketing is most effective when all of its disparate components are aligned... But that is also one of its most difficult challenges!

Growth marketers are tasked with being jacks of all trades, figuring out how to integrate marketing channels and align content with a strategy with workflows!

Tracking all these moving parts can be challenging, but growth marketing can only succeed when each piece of the puzzle fits together. Growth marketing is similar to a watch in many ways: a look comprises many cogs and gears that turn and impact each other.

When one gear fails, it sets off a chain reaction that throws the entire mechanism for a loop. When everything is in sync, the clock ticks and tells time smoothly. The components of growth marketing are analogous to the gears and cogs of a clock. If one isn't working, the others will suffer. However, if they are all in sync, your growth marketing will have a high chance of success.

Understanding how each piece fits into your overall strategy and workflow is key to this alignment. It also means not assuming that what works for one marketing channel will work for the others.

2. Identification: Friend or Foe?

Proper attribution makes growth marketing effective, but it can also be one of its most significant drawbacks.

Growth marketers must frequently demonstrate their worth to gain a seat at the strategic table and confirm that they are not budget black holes. This is where tracking and attribution come into play.

Tracking and attribution are used to demonstrate marketing ROI and can assist marketers in determining which strategies, channels, and efforts are effective and which are not. Periodic reports displaying this information are critical to see, both internally for marketers and externally for clients.

2. Attribution: Friend or Foe?

Proper attribution makes growth marketing effective, but it can also be one of its most significant limitations.

Growth marketers must frequently demonstrate their worth to gain a seat at the strategic table and confirm that they are not budget black holes. This is where tracking and attribution come in.

Tracking and attribution are used to demonstrate marketing ROI and can assist marketers in determining which strategies, channels, and efforts are working and which are not. Periodic reports that display this information are critical to see internally for marketers and externally for clients.

It's important to note that tracking and attribution aren't limited to any particular funnel stage.

Growth marketers must set clear client expectations and emphasise that tracking and attribution are not perfect magical processes. So, while the truth is in the data and campaign tracking is critical, reasonable expectations from all parties are required.

  1. Marketers are Data Scientists combined with Psychologists.

We previously stated that growth marketers are jacks of all trades, which couldn't be more accurate. Aside from marketing, all marketers are also artists, data scientists, and psychologists.

Those last two are particularly noteworthy because balancing data with interpreting behaviour beyond metrics becomes difficult in an industry where data is king.

Data tells a story, which is worth knowing, but there's also the risk of confirmation bias when analysing data. To be a genuinely great growth marketer, you must also be a great psychologist who understands and empathises with your audience and thinks outside the box.

While this is easier said than done, it is beneficial to begin by getting to know the client and their company. Learning about the passions and motivations of a particular organisation makes it easier to create campaigns for and connect with the audience.

4. Nothing Lasts Indefinitely

Growth marketing efforts are practical...until they aren't. The final advantage of growth marketing as a challenge is how important it is to be an agile, adaptable growth marketer.

Growth marketing is highly effective. It is what propels a small, unknown startup to global dominance. However, what works and resonates in growth marketing is constantly changing and can vary from client to client. In other words, there is no "one-size-fits-all" solution for growth marketing.

If a distinct growth marketing strategy is developed, implemented, and monitored, it has the potential to increase revenue and scale significantly. However, growth marketing will never reach its full potential unless growth marketers recognise each client's unique needs and are quick on their feet when things change.


Growth marketing is challenging. It takes a lot of trial and error, and new ways to improve your strategy and campaigns are constantly being developed. The challenges of growth marketing go hand in hand with the opportunities.

Growth marketing can become a revenue machine if growth marketers and their clients are aware of the pitfalls and benefits.

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