How To Make Your Survey Bot More Engaging?

Your survey bot can be more engaging by adding more personalization, questions and customization options.

Survey bots are a great way to get customer feedback, as long as they're done right. A survey bot is a tool that you can use to automate the sending of surveys and polls via email to your customers. This way you can reach out to them without having to manually enter data into an app or website every time you have new questions about their experience with your brand or product line.

The best part about using this type of technology is that it also helps make sure that every customer who takes advantage of the opportunity has an opportunity for feedback! In this post we'll talk about some tips on how best use these tools so that they aren't just another tool in your arsenal but something actually useful for improving your business processes and keeping up with evolving technology trends while still maintaining its competitiveness over competitors who haven't adopted them yet (or simply don't want anything new).

Use a personality that matches your brand

If you want your bot to be engaging, it's important that the personality matches your brand. For example, if you're running a survey about dogs and cats, don't try to be too "funny" or "charming." The last thing anyone wants is an automated response like this:

"Hi! Thank you for taking our survey."

It's not funny at all. It's not charming either—it feels like something out of an automated chatbot on Facebook Messenger or Kik messenger where they just send out canned responses that say things like "Hey there!" and then say nothing else because they're waiting for something from their human counterpart before responding again with another canned response such as: "Thanks for taking our survey."

Don't be afraid to ask follow-up questions

Don't be afraid to ask follow-up questions. Follow-up questions can help you understand the full context of a response, and they can also be used to get more information about a particular question or clarify a response. For example, if someone tells you they've been using your product for six months, but they don't know how much time they spend on it every day (or even what "every day" means), ask them how often they use it during those weeks when their kids get sick or go away for school holidays; this will help narrow down which days are most important for them when it comes time for renewal terms with other products/services offered by your company.

Randomize the order of your questions

Randomizing the order of your questions is an easy way to make your bot more engaging. You can do this by using a random number generator. If you're building a bot locally, then there are some options for getting a random number generator. 

Let them know upfront what you're going to ask.

You can make your survey bot more engaging by letting them know what you're going to ask. This way, they'll have time to prepare and will feel more comfortable taking the survey.

There are two ways that you can do this:

  • Give them a preview of the questions before they start taking your survey. This gives them an idea of what's coming up, which will help them answer better questions later on. If possible, provide links inside this preview so that users can easily follow along with their path through the questionnaire (and perhaps even get some background information).
  • Provide links to other pages where users can find out more about how they should take care of themselves or read reviews from other customers who've used similar products before purchasing yours.

Make it easy for them to give feedback on their experience

The best way to improve your survey bot is by getting feedback from customers on their experience. You can do this in a few ways:

  • Have a section at the end of each survey where users get to leave comments about what they liked and didn't like about the product. For example, if you're selling an online course on how to make money as an entrepreneur, you might ask for feedback on whether or not it was useful for them or not. If so, ask them why they thought so and then use that information when making future updates (or additions).
  • Ask questions during each step of the process so that people feel comfortable sharing with others who may have similar experiences (or lack thereof). For example: "What made this process easier/harder than expected?" Or "What would make this experience even better next time?" This will encourage more people who want better customer service overall because there are other users out there who can help guide their decisions based on firsthand experiences.

Survey bots are a great way to get customer feedback, as long as they're done right

Survey bots are a great way to get customer feedback, as long as they're done right. A survey bot can help you improve your product or service and build better relationships with your customers. It can also give you insight into what people want from the company and how it can be delivered.

But there's a fine line between getting useful feedback and annoying your customers. If done wrong, survey bots can backfire and make people less likely to give you their opinions in the future. Instead of being helpful, they'll see your bot as an annoyance that gets in the way of doing business with you.


In this post, we have learned how to make our survey bot more engaging. We have seen that it is important to keep the tone of your responses upbeat and friendly so that users do not feel hesitant or annoyed after answering each question. It is also important to remember that everyone has different needs when it comes to questions like these so don’t try forcing someone into answering any type of question they don’t want!

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