Experience The Ultimate African Adventure: Best Time To Visit Masai Mara And Top Safari Lodges

Visit Masai Mara any time, but the experience changes with seasons. Best time is July-Oct for the wildebeest migration.

If you're planning a trip to Masai Mara, it's important to know the best time to visit masai mara and what to expect each season. While you can visit Masai Mara throughout the year, the nature of wildlife activity and viewing opportunities vary depending on the season. Here's a breakdown of what to expect from each season:

Lion Season: January to March During this season, large plain game wildlife such as wildebeest and zebras give birth to their young ones. You'll see many young ones following along after their mothers, but be aware that hunters also come out during this time.

Green Season: April to June The Green Season is an ideal time to visit Masai Mara for safari enthusiasts. You'll witness clear and breathtaking landscapes after heavy rainfall. The synchronized birth of many young antelopes, impalas, kudus, waterbucks and many more attracts several hunters, making it a good time for wildlife viewing. This is also the best time for bird-watching.

Migration Season: July to September One of the most impressive natural displays, the Great Wildebeest Migration, takes place during this season. More than 1.5 million wildebeest, zebras, and elands travel to the Mara, making it a must-see spectacle.

Wildlife Season: October to November As the short rains lure the herds southwards, the grass on the Mara fields is short due to constant grazing by zebra and wildebeest. You'll witness the herds getting a move on as they travel south looking for greener fields. It's a great time for wildlife viewing and to witness the Northern Migration meet the Southern Migration.

Festive Season: December Masai Mara fields remain covered with rich wildlife species during the festive season. It's a great time for celebration, reflection, family, and friendship.

If you're looking for a safari lodge to stay in Kenya during the best time to visit Masai Mara, Drunken Elephant Mara is the ideal tour company to contact. Call them at +254 711 192 476 to book your stay.

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