Although we are in the 21st century and everyone has equal rights to enjoy the wilderness irrespective of gender, most companies selling camping and hiking equipment still cater only to the needs of men. Only a handful of companies offer unisex products or gear that meets the specific needs of women camping in the wilds of NZ.
Be it hiking gloves, insulated hoodies, backpacks, or waterproof boots for women, it is time for companies to take the needs of women naturalists seriously and simply stop manufacturing pink versions of camping products made for men. Women usually have smaller frames, hands, and feet than men, thus, they often require smaller camping equipment.
Read on to find the best gear for women campers. Whether you are a beginner female camper or an advanced, here is a list of camping essentials that can take your venturesome trip to the next level.
#1. Female-Friendly Backpack
The first and most important camping gear to consider buying is a lightweight, durable and well-fitting backpack. And when it comes to choosing a bag for camping in the wild, women mostly pick duffle bags in NZ! Why? Because duffle bags ensure to offer more room to pack additional things like feminine hygiene products, hair ornaments, etc., along with the basics. Apart from that, the design of duffle bags makes it easier to carry them comfortably with different ways of holding or strapping them onto the body.
#2. Comfortable Clothing
For a one or two-day trip of car camping, any comfortable attire can do. But, if you are planning for a week-long strenuous camping or hiking trip, you should consider investing in premium-quality tech wear. It’s always best for women to carry lightweight, comfortable, weather-resistant, and moisture-wicking clothes with breathable fabrics for camping. That’s mainly because a breathable fabric can keep you dry, cool, and comfortable during hiking or trekking.
#3. Cushioned Footwear
Does your journey mostly trend toward the wild? If yes, consider buying comfortable and cushioned footwear from brands that specialize in manufacturing waterproof boots for women! Waterproof hiking boots are best for walking in places with uneven trails. They are designed in a good fit to provide adequate support to the ankle and the foot, preventing the ankle from twisting or getting blisters while walking in rocky areas.
#4. Quick Dry Towel
Along with quality hiking boots, insulated clothes, and the best duffle bags in NZ, you should consider buying a compact quick-dry towel before heading out into the wilds. One or two quick-dry microfiber towels can help you in several situations. From showers to drying dishes to getting caught in the rain, a camping towel can help you dry your face, hair, and other areas of the body. The best part is that you would not require to dry such towels in the sun before packing them. They usually come in cases and are available in varied sizes.
#5. Feminine Hygiene Essentials
It’s essential to carry female hygiene products to make your camping as comfortable and as easy as possible, even on periods. Some of the feminine hygiene essentials include hand sanitizers, body wipes, pee funnels, menstrual cups, biodegradable camping waste bags, and moisture-wicking underwear. However, please note that backpacking feminine hygiene essentials may vary, depending on the location and duration of your camping trip. The things that you would require for a strenuous week-long camping trip out in the wilds might not be a necessity if the camping ground has bathrooms.
#6. First-Aid Kit
Always ensure carrying quality first-aid supplies on camping and hiking trips. It’s better if you carry water and air-tight first-aid boxes since that will keep your products sterile. Your first-aid kit should mandatorily include medical tapes, adhesive bandages of different sizes, antibiotic ointments, sterile wipes, scissors, anti-sting ointments, ice & heat packs, anti-histamine tablets, birth control pills, non-latex gloves, tweezers, and antiseptic spray or cream products.
#7. Headlamp
Do not forget to pack a headlamp while backpacking your gear for a camping or hiking trip. Perhaps you may use your phone’s flashlight while camping but the fact is that it is not convenient for use in situations like cooking or setting up a camp where you would require both of your hands to do the job. To keep your hands free while camping, it’s best to have a quality headlamp!
Final Words
Hopefully, this article helped you learn about women camping essentials. To purchase the best-quality camping gear for women, check out Dwights’ exclusive range of waterproof boots, weatherproof clothes, multi-purpose tools, tents, and duffle bags in NZ!