Hiking Boots In New Zealand: Everything You Need To Know!

Here's all you need to know about hiking footwear. Discover why hiking footwear is important & the top factors.

Unless you’ve planned to hike barefoot, buying good-quality NZ hiking boots should be a top priority. While walking in the wilderness, one cannot anticipate the kind of weather and challenges one may encounter. Hence, being equipped with the right essentials is vital. Be it a reliable shelter, a comfortable sleeping bag, or appropriate clothing, campers shouldn’t compromise on any of these. 

The primary purpose of any footwear is to protect the feet against harsh weather conditions whilst ensuring maximum comfort. So, the shoes that you pick for outdoor trips should be sturdy and durable enough to last for years. Torn or damaged shoes are probably one of the last things that one would want to get stuck with while on the trail. In order to avoid such situations, it’s best to buy hiking boots that are supportive, flexible, and preferably lightweight. 

At present, the market is flooded with a wide range of choices including men’s and women’s hiking boots in NZ. Every adventure demands unique gear which includes different types of clothing, shelter, and footwear. For instance, on a one-day hiking trip, regular trail runners, or basic hiking shoes are good to go. However, for multi-day hiking, one should always opt for more supportive and lightweight hiking boots that assure flexibility and comfort while walking. 

Why hiking boots are essential? 

Having to hike barefoot can be one of the most terrible things that can happen to you while away from home. Since the roads in the wilderness are mostly rough, wet, and slippery, our feet are more likely to get bruised. One’s footwear while heading out outdoors should be functional enough to respond to the changing environment and uneven surfaces. 

Despite the weather forecast assuring sunny and clear sky during your hiking days, you shouldn’t rely on it completely and go ahead with regular shoes. The weather can change anytime, making hiking extremely difficult, especially for beginners. So, instead of risking it, it’s best to go for NZ hiking boots. Available in a wide range of options with unique features, the hiking boots will keep your feet protected and comfortable. 

Also, hiking on uneven trails can make your feet prone to problems like blisters, twisted ankles, foot arch pain, etc. While these are sudden and inevitable issues, one can surely be prepared to avoid them by wearing high-quality hiking boots. For example, by wearing boots that offer adequate support, one can say no to foot arch pain. Similarly, well-fitted boots minimize the risks of getting blisters to a great extent. 

Things to look for while buying hiking boots 

Shopping is no longer simple owing to the wide range of options available to choose from. Good, bad, or ugly, the market is filled with all kinds of products. Now, it’s on the buyers to determine their needs and make choices that fit best. This is exactly the same in the case of hiking footwear. 

No matter whether you are buying men’s or women’s hiking boots in NZ, you’ll get plenty of sellers and products, both in online & offline stores. While quality and pricing are the two most basic factors to consider, there are some other things as well that should be considered before making a purchase. 

Below listed are some of the key characteristics of hiking boots that you should keep in mind before making a purchase: 

  • Boot fit - Fit is important as it determines the footwear functionality and comfort for the wearers.
  • Slip resistance - Good traction is another essential feature of hiking boots that assures slip resistance on rough, slippery, and muddy terrains.
  • Breathability - Hiking boots with higher breathability provide sufficient ventilation and minimize the risks of blisters, rashes, and other skin infections.
  • Cushioning - Cushioning refers to the shoe’s ability to absorb shock and protect against bone or muscle injuries. Nowadays, modern shoes are equipped with a variety of cushioning materials such as rubber, gel, air soles, etc.
  • Weight - The weight of the hiking boots is another essential factor that should be considered before buying. Most commonly, hikers prefer lightweight boots as heavier ones tend to hinder performance and cause fatigue. 

Final Note 

Move past the axiom that shoes designed to excel at one feature will not deliver in other functional aspects. Technology and advanced manufacturing techniques have now made it possible to have hiking shoes that deliver excellently in terms of style, comfort, and protection. If you are planning to buy NZ hiking boots, you can check out the exclusive collection on Dwights for a valuable purchase.

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