Shopping for hiking boots in NZ is quite different from buying regular footwear. In the case of ordinary sandals and trail shoes, we tend to focus on the style and fashion aspects more than anything. However, with hiking shoes, factors like durability, support, and comfort come into the picture.
Since hiking is an outdoor adventure, the terrain conditions may not be very suitable for your feet. As a result, one should wear good-quality hiking shoes that not only protect the feet and ankles but also offer adequate support. However, choosing the perfect hiking shoes is not as easy as it sounds, especially in present times.
The market for camping essentials is flooded with a variety of options in each category. Be it shelter, clothing, footwear, or anything, the choices are endless. Talking about hiking footwear in specific, you’ll be overwhelmed to see the wide range of options available. So, how will you pick the one that actually fits your feet, assures support & comfort, and will last longer?
Relax! We know how confusing it is and that’s why we’ve brought some expert tips on buying the perfect hiking boots in NZ. A perfectly fitted boot can mean the difference between a painful traumatizing experience and a comfortable pleasant one. Instead of getting influenced by reviews and promotion gimmicks, it’s important that you make an informed purchase.
Here are some expert tips that will help you in buying the perfect hiking boots for your next adventure.
Focus on your hiking style
The choice of footwear for your hiking trip will largely depend on the type of hiker you are. For instance, if you are a day hiker that travels light and along low elevations, a lightweight hiking boot will be the perfect choice for you. On the contrary, if you are a backpacker who sets out on a multi-day hiking adventure, a heavy-duty hiking boot is what you need.
Measure the feet size accurately
Fit and comfort go hand in hand. Hence, you cannot afford to make a mistake while measuring the actual size of your feet. While shopping offline, ask a professional to measure your feet accurately in both standing and seated positions to get the exact size. In the case of online shopping, measure your feet by yourself and make sure to check the size scale on the website before finalizing the purchase.
NOTE: Measurements of both feet should be taken and the length of your feet is considered to be where your longest toe ends.
Always go for one full-size up
Mind you, the fit of hiking boots is not the same as other regular shoes. Since hiking is a strenuous physical activity, your feet are most likely to swell and need space for adjusting comfortably. Similarly, most hikers wear extra thick socks while heading out on the trail to keep their feet cushioned. This is another reason why extra space is needed for the feet to fit comfortably in the shoes. Hence, always go for one full-size up boots that assures constant support and comfort.
Break-in slowly
Much like any footwear, wearing hiking boots for the first few times can be painful and discomforting as your feet need time to adjust in those pairs. So, instead of wearing them for the first time and going about hiking in the wilderness, start off with shorter walks around and let your feet settle in comfortably.
Waterproofing or not
Many have this misconception that hiking boots should be waterproof only. Well, there’s certainly not a compulsion. Waterproof boots are great if one is planning to hike to locations where it rains or you don’t want your feet to get exposed to moisture, dirt, etc. However, non-waterproof boots are also great options for those who don’t mind a little dirt for ventilation. Also, non-waterproof boots are ideal for those who are prone to getting blisters due to hot feet.
There You Go!
Besides these, the level of support and comfort you need during your hike should be considered before deciding on a specific type of hiking footwear. Factors like heavy gear, off-trail trekking plans, past ankle injuries, etc. are vital that play a significant role in the quality of purchase you make.
So, if you are planning to buy hiking boots anytime soon, make sure to keep the above-discussed expert tips in mind. You can check out the exclusive collection of hiking boots on Dwights. You can find popular picks like Hi-Tec and Crispi boots in NZ at the best prices.