How to Choose a Commercial Pressure Washer

Pressure washers can save you a great deal of time when used for your cleaning tasks. No other cleaning equipment can match the pressure levels and power of these devices.

Pressure washers can save you a great deal of time when used for your cleaning tasks. No other cleaning equipment can match the pressure levels and power of these devices. Industrial pressure washing machines and commercial pressure washers require much heavier-duty components than pressure washers designed for home use. However, industrial and commercial users often choose the home pressure washer machines because they are cheaper in price. This is a poor alternative because these home pressure washers cannot handle the heavy tasks that commercial and industrial washers were designed to complete. This will likely result in poor performance and an extremely shortened lifespan for the home washer. Although the home washers are cheaper up front, the commercial and industrial washers will ultimately be more cost effective and much more durable.

A commercial pressure washer has a wide variety of uses. Pressure washers are used on a daily basis for many different cleaning tasks. Pressure washers are used in car washing, real estate maintenance, graffiti removal, and commercial cleaning, just to name a few. Commercial and industrial pressure washers are built with heavy duty components and can perform efficiently and effectively in these difficult environments. Some of these heavy duty components include industrial pumps and motors which help the washers function on such a high and powerful level.

When choosing the right pressure washer for your needs, there are some specific things to take into consideration. Some characteristics that set pressure washers apart are their output pressure and temperature levels, flow rate, and power methods. Output pressure and temperature levels are often considered the defining parameters of pressure washers. You can choose colder temperatures for lighter commercial uses or hot temperatures for more demanding commercial and industrial applications. Cleaning power usually increases as the temperature rises. When determining pressure levels, you should be mindful of the surfaces you will be cleaning. Although higher pressure levels are more powerful, they can damage more sensitive surfaces such as car exteriors.

The flow rate is also a very important specification of a power washer. Flow rate is measured in gallons per minute (GPM) and measures the output that flows out of the power washer in one minute. In general, the washer machine's power increases as the flow rate increases.

Pressure washers can be powered by gasoline, diesel, propane, and electricity. Different power methods are better for different uses. While gas and propane washers are ideal for exterior uses, electric pressure washers are more apt for interior uses. This is because electric power washers must be in close range of an electric supply.

Pressure washers are essential in the commercial and industrial environment. They make cleaning more efficient and effective. It is important to choose a commercial and industrial washer for heavy-duty uses, as home washers, although cheaper upfront, will not be able to handle these difficult tasks. When choosing your commercial washer, carefully consider the output pressure and temperature levels, flow rate, and power methods in order to find the washer that best suits your cleaning needs.

High quality heavy duty industrial washers manufactured by certified and reliable equipment manufacturing companies are always preferred for commercial cleaning. Visit this website for more information.

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