Distributed Vs Cloud Computing

In the last 20 years, computer network technologies have seen tremendous advancements and changes.

In the last 20 years, computer network technologies have seen tremendous advancements and changes. Following the introduction of the Internet (the most popular computer network today), computer networking has resulted in several novel technological advances such as Distributed Computing and Cloud Computing. The terms distributed systems and cloud computing systems are slightly different, but the underlying concept is the same. One must first understand distributed systems and how they differ from traditional centralized computing systems to comprehend cloud computing systems. 

Let's look at the critical distinctions between Cloud Computing and Distributed Computing.

Today, most businesses employ Cloud computing services, either directly or indirectly. For example, when we utilize Amazon or Google services, we now store data in the Cloud. Because Twitter keeps all of our tweets in the Cloud, we indirectly use cloud computing services. Because there was a need for better computer networking to process data quicker, distributed and cloud computing evolved as revolutionary computing technologies.

The Need for Distributed Computing:

Centralized Computing Systems, for example, IBM Mainframes, have been used in technological computations for decades. One central computer controls all peripherals and performs complex computations in centralized Computing. However, centralized computing systems were inefficient and costly when processing massive amounts of transactional data and providing support to thousands of online users simultaneously. This paved the way for Cloud and Distributed Computing, commercializing parallel processing technology.

What exactly is Distributed Computing?

Tanenbaum and Van Steen, editors of the book "Distributed Systems-Principles and Paradigm," define Distributed Computing as "a collection of independent computers that appears to its users as a single coherent system."

Distributed Computing uses a distributed system to solve a single significant problem by breaking it down into several tasks, each computed in the distributed system's individual computers. A distributed system comprises multiple self-directed computers that communicate via a network. By utilizing their local memory, all computers connected in a network communicate with one another to achieve a common goal.

On the other hand, different computer users may have additional requirements, and distributed systems will address the coordination of shared resources by assisting them in communicating with other nodes to complete their tasks.

Toleration mechanisms are generally in place in the event of individual computer failures. However, the system's cardinality, topology, and overall structure are unknown in advance, and everything is dynamic.

Examples of Distributed Computing Systems:

  • World Wide Web.
  • Social Media Giant Facebook.
  • Hadoop's Distributed File System (HDFS).
  • ATM
  • Cloud Networking Systems (Specialized Form of Distributed Computing System.)
  • Google Bots.
  • Google Web Server, Indexing Server.

Distributed Computing Systems appear to an average user as a single system, whereas internally distributed systems are connected to several nodes that perform the designated computing tasks. Consider the Google web server from the perspective of a user. When users submit a search query, they believe that the Google web server is a single system to which they must log in and search for the required term. 

A Distributed Computing technology occurs in which Google develops several servers and distributes them in various geographical locations to provide search results in seconds or milliseconds.


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