10 Recommended Home Fitness Equipment In 2022

It’s almost the end of the year which means everyone will have ‘I wish to get fit in the new year’ as part of their new.

It’s almost the end of the year which means everyone will have ‘I wish to get fit in the new year’ as part of their new year’s resolution list. Needless to say this article will help you speeden up that process. Fitness for us is essential. Exercise and movement is part of our DNA, it is how we are engineered. We want you going into that new year all guns blazing with these 10 home fitness equipment

  • Resistance bands

Regardless whether you’re working out from home or at the gym, resistance bands are always a must when it comes to gym equipment. What was Initially used as exercise equipment by physiotherapists to treat patients with injury has become a staple in the fitness world. Plenty of exercises can be performed using this, especially to properly stretch muscles with full range of motion. 

  • Exercise ball

The pandemic has made everyone sit for prolonged periods, resulting in lower back pain issues. If you’re someone who is suffering from lower back pain then this is gym equipment that is a match made in heaven for you. Also termed as a swiss ball, this workout equipment can help strengthen your core, increase flexibility, ensure a healthy spine and improve balance. 

  • Gym gloves

To protect your hands from abuse, make sure you have this gym equipment. Exercising for the past month without gloves has given birth to calluses on my hands. To combat this issue I bought myself a pair of Kobo gloves, since they also come with free delivery. Additionally, the gloves also helped me with grip and durability. So if you’re someone facing the same issues, it would be worth investing in this workout equipment. 

  • Exercise Bench

An array of exercises can be performed on a bench. Right from bicep exercises to shoulders to back and triceps. It is a multi-purpose gym equipment that has far-reaching benefits. If you have extra space to spare in your household then it might be worth investing in an exercise bench. 

  • Yoga mats

Personally, this is my favourite workout equipment. Yoga has become trendy in recent times, consequently sending yoga mat sales through the roof. Picking the right mat can be a daunting task. So, make sure you give priority to 3 aspects. Namely thickness, material and price. Depending on what you’re looking for, you can make the right purchase. 

  • Dumbbells

Dumbbells are one of people's most famous and most used gym equipment. It is advisable to use this workout equipment, since it maximises one’s full range of motion, unlike machines. If you’re someone whose main goal is strength training then this is the perfect gym equipment. You can use this to workout any muscle you like and they come at an affordable price.  

  • Foam Rollers

Foam rollers are slowly gaining traction in the market. It helps in self-myofascial release, which is basically the massage of your muscles. After workouts, muscles go through severe wear and tear. Therefore, along with rest they also need a bit of stress in the form of massage. This fitness equipment can be used both before or after workouts. 

  • Kettlebell

When you buy a kettlebell you need to make sure you’re not lifting too heavy too soon. Kettlebells can be used to perform a variety of exercises. They bridge the gap between strength training goals and cardio goals. 

  • Sweatbands

Sweatbands are a really useful piece of workout equipment which helps if you’re doing high-intensity activity or even playing sports. Since, you sometimes don’t get much time to wipe off sweat, sweatbands make it quick and effective to do so.

  • Skipping rope

Skipping ropes help increase balance and coordination. It is a great alternative for those who do not like running. It also strengthens abs and calves muscles. Most of the top elite athletes use skipping ropes to push their endurance to the next level. 

SportsEquip caters to your every need by providing authentic sports equipment right at your door-step.

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