6 Great Types Of Exercise Equipment That Every Home Needs

There is an uprising in the trend of people doing home workouts instead of going to the gym.

There is an uprising in the trend of people doing home workouts instead of going to the gym. However, most of them are restricted in their workout by a lack of equipment available that can be used for home workouts. In this blog, we give you 6 great types of exercise equipment that every home needs.

Jumping rope

Jumping rope is a great piece of equipment. When used right, it can burn fat, strengthen your heart and lungs, and help build endurance. Since jumping rope doesn't require much space, you can use it at home or take it outside with you to use when you travel.

It's not easy at first—or even second or third—but once you get the rhythm down (and maybe invest in an awesome swivel-action jump rope) you'll be able to do a quick workout when time is short. The key is to start small and work your way up: if jumping for 10 minutes makes your legs feel like Jello, try four minutes several times a day instead. You'll be surprised how quickly your stamina increases!


Dumbbells are a wonderful piece of equipment to add to your home gym. With dumbbells, you can perform exercises that will help you build strength and tone up all over your body.

If you’re new to weight training, or if you’ve never used weights before in your life, there are some easy exercises that will help you get started. First, if you’re just beginning, it’s wise to start with lightweight dumbbells—think 5 pounds or lower. You can also start with other basic movements like squats and push-ups. As you become more familiar with the movements and build strength, increase the intensity by adding more weight or reps.

Don’t forget about safety! If you begin an exercise program for the first time in years (or ever), make sure to take it slow and stop if anything hurts or feels uncomfortable. Make sure to use proper form when lifting weights so as not to injure yourself during your workout routine!

Pull Up Bar

  • Pick up a pull-up bar. For a more elaborate workout, you can't beat the pull-up bar. Get one that hooks over your doorframe if you don't want to install anything permanent in your home—but if you'd like to add some stability, grab a drill and screwdriver and install one onto the wall or ceiling.
  • Pick up some free weights. Free weights are fantastic for anyone who wants to lose weight, build muscle, or just get toned in general. They're also versatile—the same weights can be used for a variety of exercises.


Kettlebells are a fantastic piece of fitness equipment and a great way to exercise at home. They’re easy to use, help you burn calories and build strength, increase your cardiovascular health, work multiple parts of your body simultaneously, and are pretty dang cheap.

They’re also great for at-home workouts because they take up very little space and can be used for dozens of different exercises. Kettlebell swings will get your heart rate up while strengthening your glutes and hamstrings, whereas kettlebell deadlifts will target the same muscles while focusing on building lower back strength.

The downside of kettlebells is that they can be a bit awkward (and potentially dangerous) to use if you don’t know what you’re doing—which is why it’s important to do the research or even take a class before buying any of these bad boys!

Resistance Bands / Workout Bands

If you're looking to get stronger, more flexible, and more toned without investing in a lot of space, weights, or money, resistance bands are a great option. Resistance bands—sometimes called strength training or workout bands—are stretchy bands that come in various thicknesses and lengths. They're used by both home exercisers and professional athletes because they can be used to add resistance and intensity to any exercise routine.

Resistance bands are easy to use at home and can be safely used by people at all fitness levels. They work well for people who find it difficult to perform exercises like bicep curls with dumbbells or squats with a barbell loaded with plates. That's because there's no need for the exerciser to support the weight of the band as long as it's anchored properly (more on that later).

There are several types of resistance bands: flat latex rubber loops, tubes with handles on each end (which may also have a door attachment), looped elastic fabric strips (also called mini-bands), flat fabric strips with handles on each end (similar to large rubber tubing but wider), flat elastic straps made from plastic pieces molded together into slabs that cut into your skin when you pull them apart with force; "therapy" bands designed for physical therapists; oversized elastic therapy balls; giant inflated balls covered in tiny nodules (like a lacrosse ball); giant rubber rings that look like oversized donuts.

Gymnastic Rings

Gymnastics rings are also a great piece of equipment for your home gym. Gymnastics rings can be used for CrossFit workouts as well as gymnastics workouts. The pull-up is probably the most common exercise performed on gymnastic rings, but there are many other exercises that you can do using gymnastic rings. You can do many of the same exercises using ring straps and a pull-up bar. It’s important to use straps specifically designed to hang the rings from a ceiling joist or support beam. When hanging your rings you want to make sure they dangle approximately 8-12 inches below your muscles when they are at full extension. This will allow you to control the motion throughout each rep and set, eliminating any swinging motion or momentum created during the movement. You can use gymnastic rings for core work like push-ups and dips, as well as lower body work like squats and rows

There are a lot of different types of exercise equipment out there, so it can be hard to figure out what you need.

Exercise equipment can make a big difference when it comes to your health and ability to workout. There are a lot of different types of exercise equipment out there, so it can be hard to figure out what you need.

When choosing exercise equipment, you should think about what your fitness goals are and how the fitness equipment will help you reach them. A good place to start is by thinking about whether or not your goal involves building muscle or increasing cardiovascular endurance.

If your goal is cardiovascular endurance, that means you want to be able to sustain a moderate pace for an extended period of time. You might consider getting some gear like wrist weights or ankle weights to increase the challenge while doing activities like jogging, walking, or hiking.

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