10 Fun Facts About Horses That You Probably Didn't Know

Horses are sturdy creatures that add so much spice to life.

Whether you own one or not, many people admit that horses are incredible to watch and feel. In the entire world, there is an estimated population of 60 million horses. In terms of countries, the United States tops the list with an excess of 10 millions horses. Mexico, China, Brazil and Argentina follow behind with an average of 5 million horses each within their borders. Horses can live for 25 to 30 years; however, a record on the oldest horse to ever live was 62 years of age. To explore more equine facts, this article looks at some of the most amazing fun facts that you probably didn't know. In the end, you will uncover more splendor and majesty akin to horses.

1. Horses can sleep while standing

Indeed, your equine friend has special abilities to catch some sleep while standing up. According to experts, horses lie down to sleep when they need (rapid eye movement) REM sleep; and they do not need it as much. It is believed that this ability to sleep while standing helps them escape predators in the wild. This structure of sleep could indicate that they have dreams as well. When spooked, running away will be much easier because they are already standing. Stay apparatus is the method employed by these animals to sleep while standing up.

2. Horses have big hearts

Horses are warm and friendly because they have big hearts. Also, they actually have a heavy heart that weighs in at about 8 or 9 pounds. Because of their strength and size, horses need a strong heart to pump all the energy. Therefore, the next time you look at your mare in an adorable manner, know that they indeed have a heavy heart.

3. Horses can run a few hours after birth

Within a few hours after being born, a baby horse or colt can actually run. This is something that many humans are envious about. Running after birth is incredible and it helps the young ones ward off any danger; especially because they are weaker and vulnerable. In the wild, they have to limit downtime to survive accordingly.

4. They have big eyes and teeth

Horses have very big eyes and to put this into perspective, they have the biggest eyes compared to all land mammals. Eyes of horses are 9 times larger than human eyes. They also have very large teeth; as a matter of fact, the teeth occupy more space than their brain. These features are also believed to help horses optimize their lives. Big eyes help in better visual acuity while big teeth ensure food is processed properly in the mouth. A horse can also see better at night than a human. It takes longer for horses to adjust to light or darkness as well. Horses also have a sweet tooth and will not eat anything bitter or sour.

5. Horses can yield several equine hybrids

A zebra and a horse can mate and get hybrid offspring referred to as zorses. If you are familiar with mules, you will know that they are female crosses of horses and donkeys. The male version of the offspring is called a hinny. Shetland hybrids and zebras can also conceive cross young ones called zetlands.

6. Horses have facial expressions

Not many animals have the ability to show their mood or emotions through their facial expressions. However, horses can use their eyes, ears and nostrils to make faces and show how they are feeling. Even though they are seen to have long faces, being keen to see how their faces change will reveal the type of mood they are in. However, there are times when you may think a horse is laughing. This expression is known as flehmen and they use this expression to move their nose to determine whether smells are suitable or not.

7. Horses communicate sounds with unique meanings

These equine creatures emit all manner of sounds. You will be impressed to learn that every sound has a meaning attached to it. When adult male horses or stallions roar loudly, they are actually looking for a mate or alerting a potential mate. Neighing sounds that often sound like whining will be used when horses are meeting or leaving each other. If there is danger lurking, horses will use snorts to alert other horses about the potential danger.

8. Horses height is measured in hands

Units known as 'hands' are used to measure the height of these creatures. About four inches is equivalent to one hand. The tallest horse on record was 21.2 hands which was about 7 feet and 2 inches tall. This tall horse was born in England in 1846. The smallest and shortest horse ever recorded was only 14 inches and 20 lbs; the little horse was called Little Pumpkin.

9. An entire hoof can take about a year to grow

A hoof will take anything from 6 months to 12 months to grow back. Hooves are made from the same protein that makes human fingernails and hair. Just like toenails, hooves are also growing continuously. The triangular part of the hoof on the inner side is referred to as a frog. This area actually looks like a frog in terms of shape.

10. Horses have sharp memories

If you thought elephants had a good memory, you will be happy to know that a study revealed that horses have an equally sharp memory just like elephants. This means that a horse will carry friendships for a lifetime. Even if there is separation, horses will immediately rekindle a friendship after reunion. It also turns out that horses can understand some words and create positive or negative associations.

As you can see, there are amazing facts about horses. Some people actually fear horses and it is worth mentioning that this fear for horses is called equinophobia. There is so much more to explore about these equine engaging friends.

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