We found 5 results for phrase "Barge holidays in France"

Barge Holidays In France Fit For The Whole Family

5 years ago | Cruising by Laura Jeeves

Barge holidays in France may not be the typical choice for a family friendly getaway, but they're fun for all ages....

Barge Holidays In France: The Cheeses You Need To Try

5 years ago | Cruising by Laura Jeeves

Book onto one of the many available barge holidays in France and sample a variety of cheeses....

Unesco World Heritage Sites To Visit

5 years ago | Cruising by Laura Jeeves

The best kind of barge holidays in France? The ones that stop at UNESCO World Heritage Sites, of course....

Burgundian Barging: The Canal Du Centre

6 years ago | Cruising by Laura Jeeves

The Canal du Centre winds its way through the picturesque French region of Burgundy. It’s a man-made waterway that, when...

A Barger’s Guide To The Canal Du Nivernais

6 years ago | Cruising by Laura Jeeves

Now an important route for barge holidays in France, the Canal du Nivernais was originally constructed as a feeder wat...