We found 78 results for phrase "Barge cruise"

Unesco World Heritage Sites To Visit

5 years ago | Cruising by Laura Jeeves

The best kind of barge holidays in France? The ones that stop at UNESCO World Heritage Sites, of course....

Visiting Vincent van Gogh in Auvers-sur-Oise

5 years ago | Cruising by Laura Jeeves

A favourite stop on the best French river cruises, Auvers-sur-Oise has a connection to the artist Vincent van Gogh....

3 Must-Visit Towns Along the Yonne River

5 years ago | Cruising by Laura Jeeves

Discover the towns sitting along the banks of the River Yonne, visited by the best French river cruises in the region....

2 Castles to Visit While in Saverne

5 years ago | Cruising by Laura Jeeves

Discover why Saverne is a favourite destination for French river cruises. Explore the story behind its two castles....

Historical Stop Overs Along the River Marne

5 years ago | Cruising by Laura Jeeves

Cruises on the River Marne offer an opportunity to immerse yourself in the rich historical tapestry of the region....

French River Cruise Highlights on the Loire

5 years ago | Cruising by Laura Jeeves

Discover the incredible cultural highlights you will experience on the best French river cruises in the Loire Valley....

Exploring the North of France by River Boat

5 years ago | Cruising by Laura Jeeves

The best French river cruises immerse you in the atmosphere of a region. Discover how they inspire their guests....