We found 14865 results for phrase "one"

Database Application System Components

12 years ago | Databases by Imran Zafar

A database application is a business computer system. As such, it has five system components: hardware, programs, data, ...

History of Database Processing

12 years ago | Databases by Imran Zafar

Database technology can seem complex and complicated. In part this is because database terminology is inconsistent. Simi...

Database Applications and Kinds of Database Systems

12 years ago | Databases by Imran Zafar

Since a database is a model of an organization, the processing of the database should correspond to the processing of th...

Explanation of Database and Data Processing Systems

12 years ago | Databases by Imran Zafar

A database is a self-describing collection of integrated records. It is important that you understand each phrase in thi...

File Processing Systems

12 years ago | Databases by Imran Zafar

Even the earliest business computer systems were used to process business records and produce information. They were gen...

Introduction to Database Processing and Information

12 years ago | Databases by Imran Zafar

The word information comes from the Latin word informare, which means to build form or to give structure. Information sy...

What Do You Know About Bank Savings Account Interest Rates?

12 years ago | Loans by Tyler

Whenever you have money in the bank, you would expect it to earn you a bit of interest each year. This is a very importa...