We found 637 results for phrase "TALE"

The Smallest 30x Zoom Camera in the World and Other Tech Updates

8 years ago | Gadgets & Gizmos by Q3 Technologies

Today in Tech - The Smallest 30x Zoom Camera in the World, Google Hires 4Chan Founder & First-Ever Mac OSX Ransomware....

Microsoft All Set to Acquire SwiftKey

8 years ago | Corporate by Q3 Technologies

Microsoft is buying companies like there is no tomorrow. Read about how Microsoft is acquiring SwiftKey....

Apple Updates Garageband and Releases Music Memos

8 years ago | Music by Q3 Technologies

Apple releases an update to Garageband and a new music creation app to make anyone a DJ....

Finally, Apple has a New COO

8 years ago | Corporate by Q3 Technologies

Apple fills the long awaited position of COO with Jeff Williams,and announces more changes in the top level management...

It's All About Containers

8 years ago | Gardening by Florence Blum

It is time to talk about containers. Believe it or not - not all miniature garden containers are created equal....

Google to Donate for every Android Pay Transaction

8 years ago | Organizations by Q3 Technologies

In a bid to market Android Pay, Google pledges to pay $1 for every transaction amde through the platform....

IoT in Cars – Intel Leads the way

8 years ago | Cars by Q3 Technologies

Carmakers are happy to know that Intel has established a board to look after the issues of IoT in cars today....