Though you may consider your website to be an integral part of your brand marketing strategy, without the right attention to detail with regards to its content, you could be losing valuable customers and limiting your business potential. Adding landing pages to your site is an effective way of increasing your web traffic. What's more, it can be done for a lower cost than a great many other marketing approaches.
What are landing pages?
In simple terms, a landing page is any page that a visitor lands on after clicking a link. Usually, the copy will be sales-directed or about influencing the reader to take a specific action. For example a Sports Shoe Brand "Swift Stop" may have a special landing page about wide fitting tennis shoes if they feel there is a demand for them.
Why have them?
Many businesses make the mistake of directing potential customers to their homepages rather than to pages that are specific to the areas that they've shown interest in. With evidence to indicate that product-specific landing pages and targeted promotions can help increase conversion rates, it makes sense to make good use of them. ie If "Swift Stop's" competitors don't have this type of page "Swift Stop" will more than likely get to the top of the search engines for 'wide fitting tennis shoes" and win new customers.
When should you use them?
Landing pages should be used in situations where you want to encourage a specific response from a reader, such as commitment to a sale, site registration or sign-up for a newsfeed. Ideally, they're best linked to from paid sources, such as banner ads and pay-per-click advertisements. Websites built on content management systems are especially useful where landing pages are concerned because they can be created quickly to push temporary promotions and taken down later when they become redundant.
How can I build one for my website
Ask your web design agency to create you a CMS (content management system) with templates for landing pages. With no technical knowledge needed at all you can then login to your website and create your own.
Mark Stringer is MD of Ahoy Creative an agency offering web design in Manchester.