Mobile Compatible Website - A Huge Market and Business Opportunity

If your web designer in London is not talking about mobile compatible website solutions and how important it is for your website to automatically adapt to smart phones and tablets, then perhaps you are talking to the wrong website designer.

It’s the way of the new world.

First there was the PC; then came the laptop and now there is the iPad and the iPhone and numerous other smart phone technologies. If your website design in London works well with a PC, then it should also be designed to accommodate millions of mobile devices if you are going to take full advantage of everything that mobile technology has to offer.

The technology is available for your web designer in London to ensure that when a user of an iPad or other tablet device visits your website, your website responds accordingly. More importantly, users of iPhones and other small, mobile technologies view websites differently to how the websites are viewed from a laptop or a PC. Ensuring that your website looks good on every mobile device is the job of your website designer because the marketing opportunities are vast.

There is almost no travel situation where a smart phone cannot be used, except when driving or flying, of course. In the past, commuter trains may have been too crowded for people to use their laptop to go online but now even those who are standing can be seen using their smart phones when commuting. There is no doubt that local searches are one of the reasons why your website has to be mobile compatible especially if your business is geared towards the local market such as a restaurant, hairdresser, shop or local supplier of any number of goods or services.

The BBC programme ‘The Apprentice’ shows clearly how smart phones are used to find local businesses especially when Lord Sugar sends the candidates out to buy ten difficult to find items. Utilizing smart phones to source online directories, to visit websites and to follow links is how the candidates source each item. In other words, mobile devices and SEO were made for each other, which is why your web design London based agency should ensure that your website is specifically geared up with key words likely to be entered in local searches. Other areas that should also be considered especially if yours is a travel website design, are Pay Per Click sponsored links and affiliate marketing, and email marketing campaigns that coincide with certain times of day such as lunchtimes and Saturday mornings, i.e. prime times for making travel arrangements.

Although creating a mobile compatible website is an important aspect of your online marketing it should not be regarded a problem but, simply, another exciting marketing tool for your web design London based agency to incorporate. Users of iPhones and other mobile devices are pretty expert at manoeuvrings their way around the web but will skip over websites that do not conform to the particular mobile device they are using. Therefore, it is important that your website designer not only has the technological expertise to set up your website for all viewing platforms but that it is search engine optimised to take advantage of the way searches on mobiles are undertaken.

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