How Does Node.js Work?

Node.js is a powerful backend development platform ideal for microservices, APIs, real-time apps, and IoT applications.

Are you looking for microservices and API development for your app? If yes, then the right backend development platform would be Node.js. Built on the JavaScript Engine of Google Chrome V8, this open-source environment is known for building scalable and high-end solutions.

Primarily, Node.js is used for development of web servers and APIs, real-time apps, microservices, streaming applications, and IoT applications.

To understand why it’s a great platform for building such apps, we’ll dive into how it works in this post.

Single-Threaded Event Loop

Usually, when a user makes a request, the server creates a new thread for it and processes it. For each request a user makes, the server makes a new thread. However, Node.js functions differently. It processes all incoming user requests simultaneously under only one thread. Thus, it is more efficient at handling multiple events.

Non-Blocking I/O Operations

Since Node.js works on a single-threaded event loop, it is efficient at handling multiple requests without blocking any input/output or I/O operations. These operations include file system access, database inquiries, API calls, and network requests. All these operations can be performed simultaneously, without waiting for one to finish.

V8 JavaScript Engine

This JavaScript engine was developed by Google and is open-source. Written in C++ its primary function is to convert JavaScript code into machine code, thus allowing the interpreter to function faster and more efficiently. Additionally, it also manages memory allocation and cleanup, optimizes property class, and uses pointer compression to save memory.

Libuv Library

This multi-platform library written in C has the key components of Node.js, which include the following: 

  • Single-threaded event loop
  • Thread pool
  • Asynchronous I/O
  • Timers
  • Cross-platform compatibility
  • Child processes
  • Thread management 
  • Single handling
  • Inter-process communication

Modules & NPM

There are many built-in, local, and third-party modules available in Node.js. The module system enables it to reuse code. Thus, it helps in improving maintenance. The Node Package Manager (NPM) is the default package manager of the platform used for the following:

  • Installing, updating, and maintaining third-party libraries.
  • Publishing packages to the registry.
  • Efficient handling of project dependencies.

Would You Use Node.js for App Development?

Hiring the best programmers for app development specializing in Node.js would certainly help you to get a high-functioning, real-time application. More than 6 million websites have used this platform for their backend development. Would you like to join the list?

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