Can your site get banned?

So… given the strange and unpredictable nature of these Search Engine Algorithm Changes the answer for everyone large and small is, diversify.

Can your site be banned in Google? Yes! Even if you feel like you are the most righteous white hat SEO operative in the world. It just doesn’t matter. Why? Because you have a competitor named Fred. Fred just can’t stand the fact that your site continues to outrank his.  Suddenly it dawns on Fred. He can pay 20 bucks for a few hundred ultra spammy links pointing to your site. I mean spammy-spam-spam like that neighborhood you get really, really uncomfortable driving through. Your links are sitting there cold and nervous. Now Fred just needs to wait a few weeks and file a complaint here Wola! Your site is falling and Fred can sleep good again.

But… Let’s say you somehow operate in a niche where everyone is morally good. All of the men are like Frodo and the women like Princess Leia. Odd but alright… Have you ever really read through the Google Webmaster Guidelines? You could argue that if you have ever advertised your web site than you may have violated one or two rules accidentally. The answer is without a doubt – Yes. Yes, your site can get penalized in Google.

So… given the strange and unpredictable nature of these “Search Engine Algorithm Changes” the answer for everyone large and small is, diversify. Whether you are forming an SEO Monopoly or creating backup brands A,B,C, D, etc you just have to continue down that road and constantly diversify. What if JC Penny had launched multiple domains and SEO campaigns for each domain? Let’s say one of their keywords was “Home Décor”. Launch , and move those up in Google. Through advertisements they can funnel any traffic those sites receive to their product pages. If all of the sudden gets banned, bummer. But, it’s a whole lot better than having get hit.

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