Most of the myths are harmless in nature. Ostriches stick their heads in the ground when scared. The mustard seed is the smallest seed. Lightning never strikes the same place twice.
What do all the above statements have in common? They're all myths. Ostriches stick their head in the ground to search for grains or worms. The mustard seeds aren’t the smallest, the smallest seeds in the world are Orchid seeds. Each year the Empire State building in the US gets striked by lightning an average of 25 times a year, so lightning can definitely strike the same place twice or more.
Another topic that carries some myths of its own? Search engine optimization (SEO). Many SEO myths come from Google’s secrecy about how the algorithm ranks sites in search results. Some of the myths regarding SEO are as follows:
- Having a Site Map for your website improves your SEO rankings: Many people tend to believe that if you have a sitemap, it’ll instantly improve your SEO rankings and help you get at the top of the search results. In reality, sitemaps don’t guarantee that you’ll rank higher on search results and they don’t have any direct impact on improving your ranking.
- You don’t need to create content often: One of the most common myths is that content doesn't need to be created often. As we all know that content is king and it is an integral part of SEO, we need to constantly keep creating new content as it would create new ways for the leads to discover your website, which means more traffic for your business. With the help of more content, we can target more keywords.
- The more keywords you use on a page, the higher it will rank: Most people tend to think that the more keywords you integrate in your content, Google would rank you high as it would understand that your page is relevant to the query that the user searched. However, this theory is wrongasintegrating too many keywords would lead to keyword stuffing which is against Google’s guidelines.
- You only need to do SEO once: Some people feel that you should just optimize your site once and that’s all that is required to generate leads. In reality SEO is a long term strategy which requires constant optimization and work to maintain rankings and traffic flow. It is continuous in nature and it will take a few weeks or months to show results, but when you keep on optimizing your campaign, it will eventually drive better results over time.
- Hiding white texts on white background so that you can rank high: Implementing this technique to rank higher is the shortest way to getting blacklisted by Google. It is a very unethical way and falls under black hat SEO. Deliberately altering a website so that the content presented to search engines is different from that presented to the user and this is considered cloaking.
SEO still keeps a lot of secrets for beginners out there, but even advanced users need to be constantly up to date with what happens in the online marketing world. We’ve put together a list of 5 SEO facts you’ve probably never heard of before; however, even if you have, this is a friendly reminder.
- Page titles are the most important on-page element after content. The page title is at the very top of your browser on the tab. The title tag and meta description should include your core keyword.
- Google looks at the user’s experience on your content pages when determining your ranking. You must provide your audience with valuable information, so leads remain on your site. Always remember Quality over Quantity for your content.
- There is no guarantee that your SEO campaign would rank you on the first position on the search results every time (It doesn’t mean that your Search Engine Optimization is failing though). Focus on creating pages that fit the search intent and provide relevant information that your audience needs, so that you have a better shot at ranking for the top positions.
- Getting backlinks from industry authorities is beneficial as they are from credible sites. You can remove bad backlinks from your profile by reaching out to the company that linked to you and asking them to remove it or by rejecting the link on the Google Search Console.
- The top 5 results account for 75% of the clicks. In the search engine world, the top 5 results on the search results page acquire more number of the clicks compared to rest on the list. So focus your efforts on a few valuable words and build content around those keywords. In order to rank higher, keep posting fresh and trendy content so that you can keep generating leads. It is not good enough to be one of many, you need to be one of the best.
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