What Are Backlinks And Pagerank?

What are backlinks? What is a pagerank, do they have anything in common or are they two differant aspects of getting ranked higher with search engine. Whats better paying for backlinks or using free backlinks and free backlink software?

Everything online comes right back to backlinks, without backlinks it is very hard to get ranked high on google and the other search engines. So what are backlinks and what is meant by the term pagerank or (PR) as most webmasters know it as.

Lets start with one major fact......YOU NEED BACKLINKS. Search for any website on earth take the top no1 website, put it in to site explorer, and check out the number of backlinks. You will not get on the search engines in any med-high comp keyword without backlinks.

Try to think of backlinks as a way to determine the popularity of a site, the more backlinks the more popular the site is (in the eyes of a search engine) this is not as you will know the full understanding but it makes it easy for everyone to understand without going into huge detail.

How to get backlinks? Easy, go to a website put on your link to the website you own and want to get ranked and whammy, you have a backlink. Sound good so should you go out and just spam your link everywhere......? NO NO NO

Backlinks are very important but so is pagerank, pagerank is a rank google gives to websites in order for their web spiders to rank them higher in the search engines.
Google Pagerank is on a scale of 1-10

10 being the highest rank of any site. So when you are out looking to get your backlinks on the web its important to look for high pagerank sites, 3-5 is a great place to start aiming, 9-10 and you have no chance of getting your backlink on a site this high ranked by google.

When the search engine scan high pageranked websites they give a certain amount of authority to the site and all backlinks on them, so if you have one of your inks on a pagerank 5 site you will in turn get ranked higher in the search engines.

If i went out and got 100 baclinks all random no good sites maybe even sites i made, i would get poor results, but if i went out and backlinked with a good pagrank site say PR 5 i would get much better results.
Do you see the power of this now? pagerank and backlinks really to go together.

So you know you need to be looking for websites that have high pagerank and of relevance.

Can you use software to get backlinks? YES, but don't go to mad and keep getting 10'000 an hour, as google can rank you lower if it things your just spamming and not getting relevance.
I use a few bits of free software to get backlinks but i use sparingly.

finding high pagerank sites is a pain and can take a lot of time, i know Ive done it. I still like to get my own backlinks and have complied a list of great sites with high pagerank to get your banklinks up.


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