How To Clean Up Your Instagram Account?

Believe it or not, your social media accounts can have more than just an impact on the standing amongst your friends and family.

Yes, silly pictures can attract likes, shares, and general admiration that can make your page the envy of Instagram. Yet, how much thought have you put into what employers might think of your posts and pictures? Employers are checking the social media pages of potential employees now more than ever and there have been several cases in which employers have not hired someone simply because of the unprofessionalism of their posts. So now you might be thinking “how can I clean up my Instagram page?” Well, luckily for you, I’m going to tell you some ways to do so!

•    Leave No Trail

That sounds dramatic, right? Well, desperate times call for desperate measures! Ridiculous sayings aside, deleting everything you post before searching for a job. Well, not everything, per se, but everything that could be seen as inappropriate. Drunken pictures shamelessly plugging a bottle of vodka are an example of this.

•    Make Your Profile Private

If you don’t want to delete some precious memories, then at least consider making your profile private. Change the name from your real name and don’t use your actual location. This might seem like overkill but these methods are effective in keeping your page private and can help cut down the unwanted spam as well.

•    Edit Before You Post

First impressions are amazing; you can rock a job interview and come off as a well-spoken potential asset to their company. But, if their first impression of you is a series of picture posts riddled with spelling and grammatical errors, then they aren’t likely to pursue you as a candidate. One of the best ways to clean up your Instagram account is by simply editing everything you post. Consider every single word that you post with your picture as if it may be subject to scrutiny.

•    Only Add People You Know

Even if you’ve cleaned up your Instagram postings and added your profile to private, you’ll likely still have people requesting to add you. Sure, you may like the prospect of adding another person to your social media circle but the results can be disastrous. If you’re out looking for a job, there’s a chance that one of those strangers’ requests are from a possible employer.

•    Be Careful What You Post

This is perhaps the most important tip we have for you and can be the easiest way to clean up your Instagram account. Don’t post pictures that are offensive or unflattering. Don’t get involved in social media feuds that can be seen by any potential employer or anyone that might know a potential employer.

Finally,all of this sounds hard and may seem like it takes all the fun out of having an Instagram. But, if you’re wondering how to clean your Instagram account because you’re looking for a job, then it is a necessary sacrifice you have to make at least temporarily.

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