Everything You Need To Know If A Highway Police Asks You To Side

Best actions you can take as a driver if you are stopped by a highway police patrol on the roads of Dallas TX

There are many versions and stories of what happens when a policeman asks you to pull over on the roads or streets of your city. Specifically from Dallas, Texas. Although it is a very controversial topic. We have compiled valuable information that you should know as a driver, and that we, as guardians of the law, recommend to you. 

6 steps to follow if you are stopped by a police officer

  1. Stay calm and respond respectfully to the police officer. 
  2. Do not obstruct or interfere with the work of the police. 
  3. Lying and delivering false documents is a crime, don't do it. 
  4. Prepare yourself and your family in case you are arrested. 
  5. Remember all the details of the altercation. They will be useful for your case in the future. 
  6. We recommend that you leave in writing the claim that your rights as a citizen have been violated and deliver them to the local police in your city or county. 

Difference Between State Police and Highway Police

The state police's main functions are to maintain public order, respond to citizen emergencies, arrest criminal suspects, and care for citizens. 

Highway Patrol or Highway Patrol

In Texas, the highway police are known as TPH officers, (Texas Highway Patrol), and their main functions are: to provide maximum safety on the roads by offering the best possible service and thus keeping drivers away from danger. 

Both are authorities to whom you owe respect and education when speaking to them. The police are an authority that has every right to ask you to pull over your car, as long as they have reason to suspect that you are breaking the law and endangering other drivers. 

Likewise, the police have a duty to take care of all citizens and to help you in case your car breaks down, so if you find yourself in a situation like this, rest assured that the police are there to help you. 

Another quality of the TPHs is that their main obligation is to maintain safety on the highways of the state of Texas. Therefore, they have every right to ask you or any other driver of a car, truck, motorcycle, or semi-trailer for the respective documents in case they are committing a traffic violation. 

What are your rights if you are stopped by a highway police officer?

Surely if you find yourself in the situation where a highway policeman asks you to pull over to the car, you may be committing an infraction or something in your car is failing, such as the front or rear lights. Unfortunately, there is a high chance that you are not doing something correctly and the highway cop noticed it. 

The four main steps are:

  1. Get the car to a safe place as soon as possible. 
  2. Turn on the flashing lights.
  3. Turn off the car and turn on the interior lights. 
  4. Roll down your window and put your hands on the wheel.

The questions that follow will depend on the situation in which you and the highway policeman find yourself. 


  1. You must say out loud that you are going to choose to use your right to remain silent. 
  2. You have the right not to allow your body, car or home to be searched. 
  3. If you have not been arrested, you have the right to get out of the situation you are in calmly. 
  4. Your right is to request that an attorney be assigned to you immediately. 
  5. You should know that you have constitutional rights regardless of your immigration status. 

Steps to follow if you are stopped in your car

  1. Pull over to the closest safe place possible and calmly park your car. 
  2. When asked to do so by the police, show them your driver's license and car registration. 
  3. If your car is suspicious and carries evidence of a crime, officers can search it without getting your permission. In case it does not contain evidence, they cannot do it without your consent. 
  4. Both the driver and passengers have the right to remain silent. 

As we already mentioned, if you are being arrested, you have the right to remain silent and make a call. We recommend that you contact a Car Accident lawyer and he or she can communicate the situation to your family. It is important that you know that you have the right not to answer any type of questions related to your immigration status, and your entry into the United States of America. 

Keep calm and call Your Lawyer

There are unique situations that take you off guard. Unfortunately, a car accident is never an expected event, but that is why we at a good Accident Lawyer can help you get out of this situation. 



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