‘It’s too expensive,’ ‘I don’t have the time,’ ‘why should I share my personal problems with a stranger,’ ‘they simply take your money and want you to keep seeking treatment from them’, ‘I already went to a counsellor, but he wouldn’t listen to me,’ These are some of the common responses people have when treatment is proposed. They believe that counselling isn’t the answer to their problems, regardless of how serious they are.
Many people have had unpleasant experiences with therapists in the past, and this is something that cannot be avoided. Phony counsellors exist, just as fake doctors do; they may be in the therapy field solely for the money. However, this does not imply that all therapists take the same approach. The majority of persons who select psychology as an area of study do so in order to improve the lives of those around them. Many counsellors also take pro bono cases, where they assist various people without charging them anything.
Even if we cannot eliminate certain fears that people have about therapy, this should not influence people’s decision-making abilities. They should be aware that if one therapist fails to meet their needs, there are a plethora of others who can assist them. People must realise the need of receiving proper and ethical counselling for their own benefit.
Some people also find it difficult and frightening to talk about their own problems or those of their families with strangers. What people forget or don’t realise is that an outsider can provide a much more sensible and unbiased answer to their dilemma. An outsider will not treat the child or the parent differently; instead, they will point out the parent’s shortcomings and offer assistance to the youngster as needed. Some people anticipate treatment to produce quick improvements; nevertheless, they must understand that therapy is not an overnight miracle. It’s a step-by-step procedure, and even if the effects may take some time to manifest in the client, they just need to believe the path they’re on and keep working toward their end objective.
There may also be clients who believe that only the criminally insane seek care from a therapist. These ideas are founded on the stigma that has developed over time about therapy, namely that it is for people who have lost their minds and have gone ‘crazy.’ This misconception undermines the confidence of persons who want to seek help but are afraid that society and their peers will judge them if they do so.
It is critical that people make going to a counsellor ‘normal’. Going to a therapist is just as vital as going to any other doctor. We shouldn’t have to put up with all of our mental baggage and trauma; we should be allowed to speak up for ourselves and get the help we need. If people load things up and believe that they don’t need treatment and that they can solve any situation on their own, it will have a long-term negative impact on their mental health. One need not be concerned about what others think about therapy; if they believe they need to address their problems, they should be able to find a counsellor and receive appropriate assistance right away.
When a client believes his therapist isn’t suited for him or that the treatment he’s receiving isn’t helping him, it’s possible that they aren’t being their full and honest selves in front of the therapist. This creates a significant obstacle for the therapist to overcome. This frequently occurs when a client is forced to receive therapy and pretends to be fine just to get the treatment over with. The client will not be handled in this manner, and the entire objective of treatment will be defeated. Even though building trust may take longer at times than at others, therapy is more helpful when a client is open, upfront and expressive about their feelings. It’ll aid with solving their dilemma better.
We understand that the prevalent stigma make it difficult to reach out, it would be best to give it a shot and decide for yourself!!