All across the country, teachers in classrooms have been facing a challenge on how to create an apt classroom environment that nurtures learning ability. They are responsible to educate the children as per the syllabus and additionally ensure that they maintain a healthy yet competitive classroom environment.
Before we move to some efficient tips to create a better classroom environment let’s understand in brief “What Is Classroom Management?”
Classroom management is a set of techniques and practices that give not only structure but also encourage children in a classroom to learn in an overall healthy/good environment. Ideally, to keep classroom activities under control, a teacher is expected to give directions to shape the student’s behaviour throughout the day. If you see Organized students, active engagement in learning and minimum behaviour disruptions you have successfully handled classroom management. The core reason for an effective classroom management plan is to keep the classroom safe and enjoyable so that students can concentrate on learning enjoyably.
As a teacher If you find yourself struggling with classroom management, or just want some new tips for maintaining a lively mood in your class, here are 8 tips to help you.
1. Start the day with a warm greeting: Greeting students every morning with a bright smile is indeed a great start to a healthy classroom environment. It could be as simple as a high five, a hug, or a pat on the head. Give them the choice, ask them how they would like to be greeted. The best way to ensure this greeting procedure goes smooth, you can paste 4 to 5 options on the door and ask them to choose one.
2. Take care of every individual students’ needs: A positive classroom environment is much more than just being kind to students. A teacher is additionally responsible to ensure that every individual student has the required resources to efficiently learn.
3. Praise students for their laurels: Classroom management is incomplete if you don’t appreciate a student’s success. It is extremely easy to get frustrated with bad behaviour, but encouraging good behaviour in a classroom cannot be avoided. Take time out of your day or week to recognize those who have been contributing positively by praising them as they work on projects.
4. Be Unbiased: Teachers often tend to give more attention to the cream students of the classroom. On the other hand, the weak one’s need your guidance and attention more. At Shri Harshad C. Valia International School we do not encourage favouritism. We believe in giving every child an equal chance to speak and give students who are introverts ample opportunities to speak up.
5. Maintain non-complicated classroom rules: To work on keeping a healthier classroom environment, keep the rules of your classroom clear and simple so that students are not confused when asked to follow them. This will help to create a positive classroom environment and allow students not only to focus on learning but also to feel good at school.
Example of a simple rule: All students must take turns (roll no wise) in checking whether the lights are switched off when the class ends.
6. A clean classroom is a good classroom: A clean classroom is a place where people feel safe, comfortable, and in sync with their surroundings. A disorganized room can not only affect the mindsets of students but also discourage them from attending school. Creating a desirable space that encourages students to cooperate and learn from each other is ideal.
7. Make learning enjoyable:
When it comes to teaching and learning concepts, do not bore the students with the same old lecture technique. We recommend you rather be more creative and interactive with your students, especially while you are introducing new complex topics. Make the class fun and interesting with newer mediums of teaching. You can make a simple PowerPoint presentation with vibrant pictures, funny educational videos to encourage higher recall.
8. Encourage internal students discussion: We have realised that the key to effective classroom management is lots and lots of engaging and educational activities. It is a proven fact that students learn a lot when they can share their thoughts and be involved in classroom activities. Allow ample opportunities to discuss and share stories within the student’s group which will make them feel more engaged in the classroom.
Final thoughts:
There are many classroom management ideas such as setting up classroom norms like respecting fellow classmates, themed days, field trips, etc. But the most important thing is that you as a teacher should be able to have a positive attitude towards your students, no matter how difficult it may seem. If they see this in you and everything seems like fun for them, then surely you’ve won the classroom management skill!