Common Driving Citations And What To Do When You Get Them

It's far from uncommon to get pulled over, and it's important to be aware of what might have caused it.

If you've been behind the wheel of a car for any amount of time, chances are you’ve had an experience with law enforcement. Whether it was simply getting a warning or being pulled over and issued a ticket, understanding common driving citations is important. It’s no surprise that you will eventually receive some type of traffic citation in your lifetime. The good news? Although receiving such tickets can be intimidating, learning the legal and protocol basics can help you navigate them more comfortably. In this blog post we'll share common reasons why one would get pulled over as well as the types of citations you could face - further discussing what to do when receiving one, along with tips on how to avoid them in the future.

Overview of Common Citations

As a driver, there's always a risk of receiving a citation while on the road. It's important to know the common types of citations and the reasons behind them to ensure safe driving and avoid any legal consequences. Speeding is a leading cause of citations and can result in hefty fines and points on your license. Running a red light or stop sign can also land you in trouble with the law and put yourself and others in danger. Distracted driving, such as texting while driving, is becoming more and more prevalent and can lead to a citation and even accidents. Other common citations include not wearing a seatbelt, driving under the influence, and driving with an expired registration. It's important to always be aware of our actions on the road to ensure the safety of ourselves and others around us.

What to Do When You Get Pulled Over

Getting pulled over by a police officer can be a nerve-wracking experience. It's crucial to remain calm to comply with the officer's instructions and avoid escalating the situation. If an officer pulls you over, the first thing you should do is pull over to a safe spot immediately. Turn off your engine and roll down your window. Keep your hands on the steering wheel and wait for the officer to approach you. Be respectful and courteous when speaking to the officer, answer their questions honestly, and provide the required documents. If the officer confronts you about a traffic violation, try to understand the infraction and address it appropriately. If you get a ticket, be sure to be prompt in your actions. If you plan to contest the ticket, contact a law firm such as The Law Offices Of Fischer And Putzi, and get a consultation first. Otherwise, make sure to pay on time, or you might face an even bigger fine.


Speeding is one of the most common driving citations, and yet it still manages to catch so many drivers off guard. Perhaps it's the rush of adrenaline that comes with pushing the limits of the speedometer, or maybe it's just a simple lapse in judgment. Regardless of the reason, the consequences of speeding can be severe. Not only can it lead to accidents, but it can also result in steep fines, points on your license, increased insurance rates, and even jail time. It's important for drivers to recognize the dangers of speeding and to make a conscious effort to obey all traffic laws. After all, arriving a few minutes late is a small price to pay for the safety of you and those around you.

Running a Red Light or Stop Sign 

Have you ever been in a hurry and felt tempted to run a red light or stop sign? It may seem like a quick way to save time, but it's important to consider the consequences. Not only can it result in a costly ticket, but it also puts other drivers and pedestrians at risk. Running a red light or stop sign could lead to a devastating accident that could potentially change or end someone's life. So next time you feel the urge to disregard traffic signals, take a deep breath and remember that the safety of yourself and others is worth the extra time it takes to stop and follow the rules of the road.

Making an Illegal U-turn or Lane Change 

It can be tempting to make a U-turn illegally. Maybe you were running late to an appointment or realized you missed your exit on the highway. While we've all been there, it's important to remember that making an illegal U-turn or lane change can be dangerous. Not only can it cause a potential accident, but it can also result in a hefty fine from law enforcement. In situations like these, it's best to stay calm and find a safe and legal way to turn around or change lanes. Your safety and the safety of those around you should always be the top priority while driving.

Texting While Driving and Other Distracted Activities

In today's fast-paced world, we are always on the move, often multitasking as we go about our daily lives. It's become so commonplace to check our phones while driving, or even to eat breakfast on the go, that we often don't consider the consequences. But the truth is that distracted driving is a major cause of accidents on our roads, and the risks can be life-threatening. Texting while driving is a particularly hazardous activity, but it's not the only one. From fiddling with the radio to applying makeup, any distraction behind the wheel can take our eyes off the road and our hands off the wheel and receive a citation from a police officer. So play it safe, and either pull into a parking lot or hang on until you get somewhere safe. Very little is genuinely worth the risk of driving distracted.

It's important to remain informed and prepared as a driver. Knowing what citations you may be pulled over for, as well as what to do when it happens, helps make an already stressful situation more manageable. Whether you’ve received a ticket for something as routine as speeding or something new like texting while driving, always be courteous and honest with the officers on the scene. If you need to contest a citation, arm yourself with the right information and contact the necessary government offices. Taking action early can save countless time in dealing with costly fines or added points against your license. By preparing yourself and exercising patience on the road, hopefully every drive will be smooth sailing from start to finish.

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