5 Reasons Why A Clean Home Can Still Attract Pests

Bugs, much like people, need food, water/moisture, and shelter to survive.

Bugs, much like people, need food, water/moisture, and shelter to survive. They “shop” for the perfect nesting ground, factoring in each necessity. The easier the access to these necessities, the faster they come. Is it humid in your area? How perfect! Cockroaches love moisture! Does your home have trees and shrubs, maybe a pond? Mosquitoes will eat that up, and you along with it. Pests of all kinds look for the perfect place, and yours might be one of them. 

Here are five reasons why your home might attract pests:

1. Clutter

Clutter makes for a perfect shelter and easier access to your home as well as their new one. Pests of all kinds will find places to hide in wood piles, boxes, clothing piles, and anything in between. Clutter makes nesting even easier, and multiplies the chance of survival. Once offspring are hidden they are more difficult to get rid of, and even harder to find. Your clutter can be one of those places wasps come back to. Usually when we put boxes in the garage, or bags in the basement, we do so to preserve them for later use or for sentimental reasons. Mice, rats, bed bugs, and ants love the stability of the clutter and the hidden nesting grounds, as well as the confidence of knowing they’ll be left alone.

2. Moisture/Humidity

The majority of species of pests flourish in humid areas. Cockroaches, silverfish, centipedes, pill bugs, and many others find the humid and moist air to be the perfect conditions in which to thrive. Cockroaches can live in a variety of weather conditions, but prefer the moist indoors, unfortunately for us the larger the increase in humidity, the larger they grow. They are nocturnal, which can make controlling them even more difficult even given their increased size. Cockroaches run from light, and stay in dark damp places both for safety and in order to store their food.

3. Plants and Trees

Mosquitoes, ticks, carpenter ants, termites, and wasps find trees and bushes to be the best places to live. Mosquitoes will hang out under leaves during the day, in grass, and around trees, waiting for the night cold to set. Ticks will hang out in tall grass, trees, and lawns. They are particularly dangerous because they can carry Lyme’s disease and bite humans and pets indiscriminately. Ticks utilize pant legs or brush to hop onto skin as you move by them making them easy to get and difficult to detect. Termites, unlike carpenter ants, eat dead or rotting wood primarily but they are known to occasionally feed on live wood. Termite damage can weaken your trees, get into your home, and eat throughout the walls and if not caught early, can be both extensive and expensive.

4. Weather conditions

Pests will often search for safer and warmer places to live during harsh weather conditions, or during specific seasons. Mice, spiders, ants, and many others come inside when it’s too cold or hot outside. When winter rolls around, mice avoid the cold in fields and burrows, and will often find their ways inside your cozy home. Ants will find warm places such as deep in the ground, inside your walls, or along the foundation of the house to stay and lay their eggs. Their eggs can last 12 months meaning while it is cold, they are slowly building a large population for you to feed in the spring.

5. Easy to access Food sources

If you were given the option of free food every day, wouldn’t you take it? Pests do, in a heartbeat. If they can get their paws or legs on a constant source of food, they stick around. This isn’t limited to human food, it can extend to your pet food as well. Dog food, cat food, and rabbit food can be attractors for bugs and mice. Ants, on the other hand, will make their way into the home through cracks and crevices to get to a dropped piece of bread or some left out pizza. Pests are not limited to fresh food, they will eat old food as well. Any food thrown into garbage, and not properly taken out, are easy to access. Rodents, such as mice, rats, and voles prefer the more accessible, low risk foods. Items found either in the trash or the garage make it easier to quickly grab and return underground. Food left out on the counter can attract rodents and insects alike with rodents aiming to only feed themselves. Insects, such as ants and cockroaches, take smaller crumbs to feed their colonies. Ants are particularly drawn to sugary things, such as soda pop or sugar, and will draw in significantly larger numbers.

How Ultima Search, the best pest management company, comes to your rescue?

Ultima Search has successfully ensconced itself in the pest control industry as a business of repute after having provided expert pest control services and products for over a decade. We take it upon ourselves to ensure that your homes, offices, and commercial installations are sanitized and healthy thereby providing a sense of well-being and happiness whenever you call upon us. 

We are the pest controllers of choice in cities like Maharashtra, Gujarat and Karnataka for millions of happy and contented customers and our service portfolio is backed up with a pest control product range that is innovative, advanced, and available pan India. Household pests such as rats of all kind, cockroaches, termites, mosquitoes, bedbugs, flies, and others have no chance against this massive pest management product range online and a professionally conducted pest service by Ultima Search.

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