A very large number of wild creatures can become pests if they enter your home or garden, or perhaps start to attack chicken coops or rabbit hutches if you keep rabbits or chickens as pets or, in the case of hens, for their eggs.
Most people have no problem with wild life so long as it remains just that: in the wild. We may think that foxes are cute, moles are lovely furry little creatures, and we may even put food out for the squirrels. That is all fine until the moles and badgers dig up your lawn and flower beds, the fox attacks your hens, and the squirrels get into your loft. Suddenly, those same lovely furry creatures become a real pest.
Take rabbits, for instance. Lovely little things until they get into your vegetable patch. They will dig up and eat your vegetables faster than you would believe. Your plants and flowers can be destroyed, and trees can have bark removed completely up to 16" from ground level. If that happens, the tree will die. Rabbits can also dig holes which can be dangerous for small children playing in the garden. Certainly, if you have a licence and a shotgun you can shoot them, but most people don't. So the answer is to call in a specialist pest control company. There are several effective and humane ways of dealing with a rabbit problem, and an expert will be able to help with pest control services in Boston.
Moles can be another problem. They are solitary creatures, but you only need one. They dig tunnels in their search for earthworms which is what they eat, and the soil from those tunnels has to go somewhere, so it finishes up as molehills on the surface of your lawn.
Foxes are another issue, especially if you keep chickens or other pets such as rabbits outside in hutches or runs. Both dog foxes and vixens will attempt to get at your hens, rabbits, or other pets. If a fox gets into your hen house, what happens depends whether it is a vixen or a dog. The vixen will only take one hen, carrying it back to feed its' cubs. However, a dog fox will kill every bird in sight.
There are a number of birds which can become a pest. One of these is the magpie, which is a member of the crow family. They live on fruits and berries, but are also known to forage for insects and ticks on the backs of domestic pets and livestock. One of the things they are known for is picking at an open wound on an animal, making it larger, which could cause an infection and ultimately the death of the animal. Farmers hate magpies, because they will also swoop down and peck the eyes out of new born lambs.
Another bird which can be a pest is the pigeon. There are considerable numbers of pigeons and they can gather together and nest on rooftops. Their droppings are highly acidic and can cause damage to property. They also build very rough and ready nests and will often do this on or close to air conditioning units. Nest materials can block gutters and downpipes and cause air conditioning units to fail. Where gutters and downpipes become blocked, water can build up, especially on flat roofs, and on occasion this can cause a roof to fail completely. Much the same sort of damage can be caused by seagulls. Gulls can also be a nuisance in seaside towns where they gather in large numbers and will swoop down and take food from people walking along eating in the street or on the beach.
There are many insects which can also cause problems. If you keep pets, such as dogs or cats, the fleas can jump on them and the pet will then bring them into the house. Not only do fleas bite your pet, but they will also happily bite you too. Fleas' eggs will also drop on to your carpet where they will hatch and cause further infestations. Fleas can also lay dormant in your carpet for up to ten months. If you have any signs of flea infestations, you will need pest control services in Boston in order to fumigate and destroy both the fleas and the eggs.
Pestcotek is a pest control service which covers the whole of Lincolnshire and can provide any sort of pest control services in Boston.