Tips On What To Move And What Not To

Are you confused about what you can move with you and what not? If yes, then read this blog now.

Moving itself is quite a difficult thing.

I’m pretty sure that you are quite confused about what to move and what not to move. Of course, you should downsize as much as you can so that you have to pay less to the affordable moving company Los Angeles.

When it comes to old books, clothes, duplicate appliances, etc., you should not think twice before selling or donating them. Start from the garage and end in the bedroom and I’m pretty sure that you will find cartons of items that you haven’t used in the past year. It is time to give them to people who need them or else, just sell them and make some money. But once you are done with your clothes, books, gift items, and electronics, now it is time to consider the other things.

You have to know what kind of items your cheap long distance moving company Los Angeles move and what they don’t. Get a list of items that they don’t move and the list will probably include paints, nail Polish remover, perishable food items, etc.

Moving the difficult:

Various items need expert skills to move. Yes, I’m talking about your piano, Jacuzzi, etc. They are bulky pieces and extremely awkward. Many people opt to leave a piano at their old house because they are difficult to move. However, with the right long distance movers Bakersfield, you can move the specialty item at ease. They will also transport the harps, organs, and other instruments. But if you think that you can do it yourself, you are mistaken. You will most likely damage the piano; make marks and dents on walls, stairways, hallways, etc.

Secondly, another difficult item to move is artwork. If your house is full of antiques, mirrors, and artwork, please ask the chosen cheap long distance moving companies in Los Angeles to pack them with care and transport them to your new house.

Large furniture pieces are also difficult to carry but if you can disassemble them and then assemble them later at the new house, then nothing like it. Ask the carpenter to take the pieces apart so that you can carry them in cartons. However, make sure that you have the instruction manual with you. Basement furniture is also very difficult to move and you need a lot of people to help you.

Things to leave behind:

But there are some items that you need to leave behind. No matter how much you love your peace Lily and cactus, you have to leave them as a moving company won’t transport them.

You also need to check in with the laws because there are many places where these plants are not allowed.

 However, if it is a short distance move, you can move them in your car. But make sure that they don’t get overheated while on the road. You need to prepare the plans beforehand so that they do not react in a bad way.

If you have an aquarium, the best thing to do is to find a new home for it. You need to empty the tank water and leave some for the existing bacteria colony to survive.

Yes, I know that you will be missing your fish, but this is the best decision that you can take for them.

Apart from all these, please downsize so that you can even reduce the carbon footprint. Donate as much as possible.

So these are a few things you need to keep in mind while moving and packing. To know about long distance relocation in Bakersfield, kindly read my other blogs and articles.

Author Bio: Mia is a blogger on the best yet affordable moving companies in Los Angeles. To choose the most efficient but cheap movers in Los Angeles, read her blogs.

License: You have permission to republish this article in any format, even commercially, but you must keep all links intact. Attribution required.