6 Steps To Take Immediately When Your Home Is Hit Hard By Stormy Weather

In many instances, speed is critical when addressing a damaged home, so if it's still standing, take some action.

Stormy weather can strike suddenly, leaving homeowners grappling with significant damage and uncertainty. Knowing what to do in the aftermath of a severe storm is crucial to ensure safety and minimize further damage to your property. Here are six steps to take immediately when stormy weather hits your home hard.

Ensure Safety First

The safety of everyone in the household should be the top priority. Begin by checking for any potential hazards such as broken glass, exposed electrical wires, and structural damage. If there is any threat to personal safety, evacuate the premises immediately and contact emergency services. Once it is safe to do so, carefully inspect the property for any additional dangers while avoiding any areas that appear unstable.

Document the Damage

Accurate documentation is essential for insurance claims and future repairs. Take clear photographs and videos of all visible damage inside and outside the home. Capture images of damaged roofs, windows, doors, and any interior issues caused by water intrusion. Detailed records will support your claims process and help repair professionals accurately assess the damage's extent.

Contact Your Insurance Company

Reach out to your insurance company as soon as possible to report the damage. Provide them with the documentation you collected and follow their instructions for filing a claim. An adjuster may be sent to your home to assess the damage in person. Prompt communication with your insurer will expedite the claims process and facilitate timely repairs.

Prevent Further Damage

Taking immediate action to prevent additional damage is crucial. If the roof is leaking, use tarps to cover affected areas. Board up broken windows to keep out rain and debris. Ensure that water is not pooling around the foundation by clearing gutters and downspouts. Temporary measures can significantly reduce the risk of further harm until professional repairs can be made.

Arrange for Professional Inspections

Engage qualified professionals to inspect the damage thoroughly. Roofing contractors like Berry Construction, electricians, and plumbers should assess the integrity of your home’s essential systems. Identifying hidden issues early on can prevent costly repairs down the line. Ensure that any hired professionals are licensed and insured, and obtain multiple estimates to ensure fair pricing and quality workmanship.

Plan for Repairs and Restoration

Once inspections are completed, start planning for repairs and restoration. Create a timeline for the necessary work and prioritize tasks based on urgency. Work closely with contractors to understand the scope of the repairs and establish clear communication channels. Take time to consider future upgrades, such as waterproofing your basement with Rite-Way Waterproofing or installing storm shutters to protect against broken windows. Staying organized and proactive will facilitate a smoother restoration process and help return your home to its pre-storm condition.

Dealing with the aftermath of stormy weather can be overwhelming, but taking these six steps will help streamline the recovery process. Ensuring safety, documenting damage, contacting your insurer, preventing further harm, arranging for professional inspections, and planning for repairs are all critical actions that will protect your home and provide peace of mind. Preparedness and prompt action are key to weathering any storm and safeguarding your property for the future.

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