Anyone who has been forced to stand in a queue for an extended period of time will know how quickly we tire when forced to stand still. This is because our bodies crave movement to keep them working smoothly. If you have swapped to a height adjustable desk at work, you might have noticed similar fatigue problems. Continually standing in the same position can soon cause our bodies to start aching. Are there any ways that we can reduce this fatigue?
▪ Wear the correct footwear
If you are going to be spending the whole day standing, there are wrong and right shoes to wear. The wrong shoes won’t provide your feet and ankles with adequate support, such as high heels and even some flats. The right shoes, on the other hand, will provide your feet with cushioning and ensure that your ankles remain in a healthy position. Most people find that orthopedic shoes are the best for standing desks.
▪ Frequently move around
It is important to ensure that you make frequent small movements as you work, including walking away from your desk from time to time. This will keep your muscles active, helping to lessen the risk that they will begin to ache. A great way to achieve this is to go and get things as you need them; don’t save them up to do in one big trip. There are also plenty of stretches and exercises that you can perform at your desk.
▪ Stand with proper posture
It is essential that you stand correctly when using a height adjustable desk. If you have previously spent your workdays seated, chances are that your pelvis is misaligned and tilting too far forwards. This places a lot of stress on your leg muscles, which can lead to aches and pains. Stand with your knees slightly bent, grip the sides of your thighs and rotate your pelvis upwards. This is how you should be standing.
▪ Wear compression socks
You are probably familiar with these if you have been a hospital patient, as they are handed out to encourage blood flow in the legs when you have been bedridden for a time. It is possible to pick up compression socks from your local chemist and they are great for improving blood flow in your legs if you will be standing relatively still for extended periods. They can be worn under other socks or by themselves.
▪ Utilise a specialist seat
It might also be an idea to invest in a specialist seat, which can be raised or lowered to suit the current height of the desk. Whilst we understand that the point of these desks is to encourage us to spend more time standing, it is important to note that sometimes all we want to do is sit down. A seat can help to take the strain off our bodies and provide a good change of posture, which is sometimes required.
We hope that the tips provided above help you to reduce the occurrence of fatigue when using a height adjustable desk. Whilst these desks are certainly successful at helping to reduce “chair sickness” in many workplaces, it is important to note that fatigue is a real problem of standing in one place for too long. If these desks are being used throughout your workplace, it might be an idea to implement some of the above tips office-wide.