The 10 Best Ways To Help Get Rid Of Mice

Mice just need a small amount of food each day. To get rid of them, take their favorite foods out of the house.

Although you're a gracious host, mice are one group you'd rather not have in your house. Mice can damage your house and even put your family's health in jeopardy by spreading diseases. Fortunately, understanding how to get rid of mice is easy.

1. Get rid of every food source

Mice just need a small amount of food each day. To get rid of them, take their favorite foods out of the house. Glass or metal containers should be used to store all grains, pet food, and other dry goods because mice cannot bite through them, keeping food safe.

To prevent mice from gathering on your property, avoid leaving pet food out for extended periods of time, store any potential food sources in tamper-proof receptacles, and immediately wipe up spills and messes.

Pros: Affordable and compassionate

Cons: Labor-intensive, not 100% effective.

2. Remove potential nesting materials

To keep mice from discovering soft materials to utilize as nesting materials, all fabric, carpets, and blankets should be stored in durable plastic storage bins. Recycling from your home should be thrown out right away because mice can also build nests by chewing through cardboard, paper, or thin plastic.

Pros: easy to use

Cons: inefficient in eradicating existing mouse populations and time-consuming, challenging to store for rugs and bedding

3. Cover entryways

When the temperature drops, mice will try to get inside. To seal off small gaps in your foundation, siding, and doors, use caulk or weatherstripping.

Pros: It's safe for kids and animals, effective, and humane.

Cons: Labor-intensive; necessitates regular upkeep and inspection

4. Employ organic mouse repellent

Repel those pesky mice with these natural options: consider taking them into account.

Mice bothering you? Here are some scents to try out as a deterrent:

  • Spray your house's interior entryways and surrounding exterior with apple cider vinegar and water in a spray bottle mixture.
  • Mouse traffic can be halted with the placement of fabric softener sheets in doorways.
  • To ward off mice, try this unconventional solution. Slice up some habaneros and mix them with water, dish soap, and chili flakes to create a spicy spray. Although this mixture is not poisonous to humans or animals, it can irritate the eyes, nose, and mouth, so be careful not to get any on clothing, furniture, or any other area where people or animals might congregate.

Pros: Successful, affordable, kind, and kid- and pet-safe

Cons: Requires periodic reapplication and won't completely eliminate existing large mouse populations.

5. Pet a cat

If you're looking to deter mice, try adopting a feline companion. Not only will they make great company, but they will also help minimize your rodent problem. Alternatively, if you live in a cat-free area, consider asking a friend who has a cat to give you their used kitty litter. Simply placing it near your entrances might be enough to keep mice at bay - after all, they're not fans of the scent of cat urine.

Alternatively, get some pure ammonia from the store. Ammonia repels mice because its smell is similar to that of a predator's poop. Cotton balls soaked in ammonia should be placed in mouse-friendly areas.

Pros: Effective way for eliminating mice

Cons: Does not apply to people who live in homes or apartments where animals are not allowed.

6. Use live traps

Hardware and home goods retailers sell live traps. Place them in areas where you've seen mouse activity, then lure them with popcorn, cheese, or peanut butter.

Release the mouse you've caught at least a mile away from your house. Otherwise, it might reappear. Wear thick gloves and keep your hands away from the mouse when handling it.

Pros: Quickly eliminate current mouse populations while being efficient and humane.

Cons: Must routinely set, bait, inspect, and empty traps; labor-intensive

6. Use aromatic plants.

Mice might be repelled by strong-smelling essential oils like peppermint and clove oil. Put cotton balls in areas where you've seen mouse activity, like drawers, cabinets, and under sinks, and place them there for optimum results.

Although the smell alone won't get rid of mice, when combined with other methods, it can be a very effective deterrent.

Pros: Simple, inexpensive, and kid- and pet-safe.

Cons: Cotton balls will need to be re-soaked and renewed every few days because it won't get rid of rodents on its own.

7. Trapping

Getting rid of mice can be efficiently done through the use of traps. While live traps capture mice that you can release, other traps kill mice instantly, decimating mouse populations.

Small mouse infestations respond well to conventional wooden snap traps, but larger mouse populations respond best to bait traps and multiple-capture traps. You can use peanut butter, bacon, or dried fruit as trap bait.

Pros: Effective and quick

Cons: Baited traps may grab the consideration of pets, and setting many traps for only a few mice may be essential. It's important to check your traps frequently, but it's a con that glue traps are inhumane.

7. Phoning

These sealed bait stations are where mice ultimately come to a violent end, as they're filled with fatal pellets or meals. The packets themselves may be sealed with paper, plastic, or cellophane, but mice are notorious for easily chewing through these barriers. Once the rodents consume the bait, it's only a matter of time before they meet their maker.

Pros: Effective and quick

Cons: Must search the home for dead mice who have swallowed the poison; is dangerous, pricey, and inhumane; should only be applied by a licensed specialist; may kill children, pets, and other wildlife; mice may disseminate or spit out poison in various parts of the property.

8. Industry-wide repellents

Severe infestations call for professional-grade repellants in conjunction with a range of natural alternatives that deter mice. These repellents are strategically placed to repel rodents and help you take back your living space.

Pros: efficient, compassionate, and environmentally friendly

Cons: Time-consuming and requires re-application


A mouse infestation can be quite frustrating. Fortunately, our staff can assist you in identifying and resolving mouse issues so you can reclaim your space permanently.

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