If you have a cat or a dog you are already used to having pet hairs everywhere - floors, clothes, in the fridge and in your bed. You can't be angry at your pet for shedding this is an irreversible, seasonal event in every furry animal’s life. But why, you may ask, why do cats and dogs lose their hair?
To answer this question we first have explain the specifics of your pet’s fur. Cats and dogs have 3 types of hair:
The loss of hair can be caused by different factors with the most common being:
In order to stay hair-free, you need to take better care for your home and clean it properly. That way the hairs won't pile up under the couch, and you won't waste half a day cleaning the living room. The following easy steps will assure your success in the battle against pet hairs and will help you bond with your animal friends even more.
Let's start with something simple but important - secure the places where your pet sleep with cover-ups. This is the easiest way to have fur-free furniture without making any effort. Another option is buying dog/cat beds. Once your pet gets used to the bed it will sleep there, and that is where all the hairs will stay. You can use old bed sheets or blankets to cover the furniture on which your cat or dog loves to lay down. Make sure to clean all cover-ups daily and wash them weekly. The level of pet hairs in your house will decrease only by applying this quick step.
Grooming is essentially a pet makeover. You can do it at home or go to a pet salon. Brushing your pet hair is the best and safest grooming technic. Some breeds are not meant to be shaved, and it may have a negative effect on your cat or dog’s health. If you live in a place with high humidity or frequent rains you will definitely have a shedding problem. London pets tend to shed more than their South European cousins. The reason here is purely environmental - your pet simply needs more protection against the cold London showers. On the other hand, you need to be even more persistent with your daily cleaning routine. During the shedding months, you must brush your pet every day in order to maintain the house relatively hair-free.
Use lots of water when you clean. Before vacuuming clean the floor with a wet mop. Swipe the carpets too. The wet mop will collect much of the loose hairs, and it will make it easy to vacuum afterwards. You can use the same technique for a fast clean up of the upholstery. Just wet your hands and wipe the couch, the pet hair will stick to you and you can just wash your hand when you are done.
If you don’t want to use your hands, why not try with regular tape? You can clean your furniture, clothes, pillows and carpet that way. Altho it is best to just use it for clothes and curtains and generally smaller surfaces. For carpets, rugs and upholstery use an even more simple method - rubber gloves. Put the gloves on and wipe your couch pillows, even the smallest hairs will stick like glued to the gloves. Simple but Effective!