Migraine attacks can be quite a devastating experience for many and even though it is temporary, the intensity with which is afflicts people, it can easily make one feel sick in pain. All one wants to do during one of these attacks is reduce the intensity of the pain. This article focuses on some of the key things that you can try to ensure the reduction in the intensity of the pain when you get migraine attacks. If you are looking for Concussion Rehabilitation in Nashville or in case you are looking for Migraine Treatment in Nashville, consider Brain and Spine Wellness.
Light and sound sensitivity is a common issue among migraine sufferers, which can exacerbate the symptoms, such as the intense pain. Intrinsically photosensitive retinal ganglion cells (ipRGCs), a collection of light-sensing cells in the eye, are responsible for light-induced pain. They are linked with both the pupil's sensitivity to light and the sleep-wake cycles. If you are experiencing light exposure for several minutes under the migraine conditions, it can easily trigger the activation of both pain-transmitting cells and ipRGCs. Research is suggestive of the fact that this could be the reason why headache pain gets worse in the light and gets better in the dark after 20 to 30 minutes of being in the dark and resting.
A cold compress is preferred by many of my patients dealing with Migraine attack. One can go numb from the cold. The brain gets diverted from the migraine when you apply cold compress. Wherever you apply the compress, additional nerve endings are being stimulated. Place a piece of fabric between your skin and the ice pack to protect it. Make sure there are no leaks where chemicals could escape and endanger your eyes if you use a commercial cold pack. Maybe a warm compress is more to your liking. You can also opt for the same. Take a warm bath or shower to help release any tension in your stiff muscles.
There is an innate connection between migraine and your sleep cycle, sleep pattern, and sleeping habit. Your ability to fall asleep or stay asleep at night may be hindered by migraines. Similarly, inadequate sleep is often the cause of migraines. Every day, including on the weekends, get up and go to bed at the same times. If you do take a daytime nap, make sure it's brief. Your sleep at night, may potentially be hampered by naps lasting more than 20 to 30 minutes. Better sleep can be achieved by doing anything that relaxes you, such as reading a favourite book, taking a warm bath, or listening to relaxing music.
Callen Anthony is the author of this Article. To know more about Concussion Rehabilitation in Nashville please visit the website.