The technologies are advancing daily, and the medical science is utilizing these technological advancements to an extreme level. The eyes are one of the most sensitive organs of the human body. It irritates even if a small eyelash falls on the eye-ball. So, an operation inside the eye is something that is quite difficult to imagine. Most people are scared about the words “Operation,” “Surgery” and “Cuts. They still get a hope when some renowned medical surgeon performs the surgery, but it is worrisome to have one’s eye operated by a robot.
It is a well-known fact that computers and robots are more accurate than humans. Humans are more prone to make mistakes, and a mistake during a surgery may even cause the death of the patient or some serious injury which can stay on for the lifetime. But during surgery, the patient feels more confident with the hands of a professional surgeon and they know that even if those knives and scissors make a wrong cut, the experience of the surgeon is going to rectify them and cure the patient with extreme precision and care. On the other hand, robots are something which is emotionless and does not know what it feels like to have pain.
Maclaren informed that the surgery is very complicated but removing the membrane can improve the vision of the affected eye. The membrane is about tenth the width of a human hair, and it is required to be dissected from the retina without causing any harm to it. The whole process is performed while the eye of the patient is anesthetized. To improve the accuracy of such a critical surgery, DeSmet and his Dutch-based team Preceyes BV, which was established at the University of Eindhoven, developed the robotic system over duration of about 10 years.
Reports suggest that surgeries have been performed with the help of robots in various cases like hysterectomies, prostatectomies and it is done while removing cancerous and diseased tissues. But it was the first time it was used on such sensitive organ like eyes, and it was successful.
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