Perceptions Of Sterilization And Disinfection

It is a deodorizing device using photocatalyst. There are HEPA filter built-in type and special deodorant model.

Harmful microorganisms are generally present on all inanimate objects and surfaces. The specialized, systematic process of eradicating all microorganisms from the surface of these kinds of surfaces is called sterilization. While disinfection and sterilization are both forms of decontamination or safety and precautionary processes, the process of totally eliminating or reducing the number of microorganisms to a permitted limit is called disinfection.

In fact, various complex forms of sterilization of medical and surgical equipment are required in operation theatres during surgery, outpatient departments, and hospital critical care sections. Sterilization is the preferred method to decontaminate because sterilization destroys even the spores of various organisms present not only on surfaces but in liquids, medications, and biological culture media. However, in everyday life, for general protection and safety, it is always better and more practical to go with the normal disinfection method. The process of disinfection that is carried out with the help of substances that are of chemical origin, which may be in the form of solutions, vapors, or gases, is referred to as chemical sterilization, and while using these chemicals, extreme care and precautions have to be exercised because, when used in more than the permissible quantities, they may turn out to be harmful.

Basic categories of Sterilization can be done as high temperature or pressure sterilization or autoclaving, chemical sterilization and radiation sterilization. Likewise based on their disinfection capabilities, disinfectants can be classified as High-level disinfectants, which are chemical sterilants that are used for short exposure periods. Intermediate-level disinfectants are used to eradicate mycobacteria, vegetative bacteria, most classes of viruses, and fungi. However, these cannot be used to kill bacterial spores. The low-level disinfectants can be used to destroy vegetative bacteria, fungi, and some classes of viruses like Staphylococcus, Pseudomonas, Salmonella, the human immune virus, the herpes virus, hepatitis B and C, and most of the common cold-causing viruses.
While the process of high end Disinfection Sterilization Services Singapore is usually carried out by professional practitioners, there are organizations that are qualified and authorised to manufacture cleanroom equipment and also carry out such activities. Airtech, being one such organization happens to be a leading manufacturer of cleanroom door, bio-Safety level and operating room equipment of very high quality. Catering to customer’s requirements and needs, this special equipment is customised by a well-experienced and professionally qualified design team as per the client's requirements.

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