IntraMIN products are designed and created using a proprietary carbon-bonding process known as the intraCELL technology. This very technology allows living carbon to bind to nutrients within each product in order to provide a faster, more efficient absorption rate.
Though science plays a major role in our products, nothing replaces the necessity of nature. The intraMIN can be used by patients as the first line of choice for any healthcare issues that will benefit from organically micro complexed minerals. It is the best form of a dietary supplement to support the immune system, muscle function, and nervous system. Intramin provides support to your body in a variety of ways! It properly balances the composition of body PH, poly-electrolytes, and fluids; supports healthy blood and bones; and provides proper activation and assimilation by our bodies of vitamins and minerals.
intraMIN is the only pure trace mineral supplement that is fueled by intraCELL V Technology and this rapid absorption and ultra-chelated formulation provides a very rapid and near to perfect infusion of necessary minerals to a patient’s cells.
Contains proprietary 100% carbon-bond micro-complexes, intraCELL V technology, 71+ plant-derived trace minerals, fulvic acid 9.2%, carbon 144,500 mg/ and oxygen 427 mg/l
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