Stress, depression, burnout, anxiety etc are concerned with the state of mind an individual is in. These four elements are correlated with each other and if you are suffering from one other will follow immediately. Keeping a tight control over emotions and increasing will power and reasoning you can significantly come out of burnout, depression etc. business owner burnout is the most common type of physical and psychological condition which obviously will turn in to stress, depression etc. burnout is the result of relentless stress, however it is not like too much stress. A businessman by and large suffers from too much stress because he has to handle too many demands both physically and mentally. However people under stress still have a chance to recover and go back to normalcy.
Burnout on the other hand is the feeling of “not enough”. Burned out means emotional and physically drained, lacking motivation and gone beyond caring. A small business owner is a vulnerable target to burnouts and stress as he has to grapple with low capital, depleted sales, unable to manage inventory, and increase production, not able to achieve targets in time and resultant losses, and finally business not attracting customers or clients. These are attributed to Small business owner depression, and they usually don’t see any hope or improvement in their situations. Burnout is the feeling of completely dried up. When it happens you are not aware but with stress you know what you are suffering from.
Small business owner depression can be directly connected with business failure. Aspirant small business owners start their projects with great anticipation and when the business fails to take off or not earn enough frustration will creep in and owner will be subjected to burnout and stress. A business owner depression can be attributed to business not able to take off, or not able to generate customers, sales and the resultant losses. A small business owner has to draw energy from reserves this usually end in burnout. Business owner become mentally exhausted, stripped of motivation, and eventually attain a state where he or she simply don’t care.
Many people manage to come out of depression by stimulated motivation and sheer will power. Not every businessman is built that strong or posses unshakable ill. Making lifestyle changes, getting business advice from consultants, increasing clientele by making quality product and overall getting the finance that is needed to start afresh or continue to remain in the market. However consulting a psychiatrist or therapist can prove the right decision to get rid of burnout, depression etc.