Antioxidants and Health

Antioxidants are compounds which prevent oxidation. e.g.- apple turning brown after cutting, Potato turning brown

Antioxidants are compounds which prevent oxidation. e.g.- apple turning brown after cutting, Potato turning brown after cutting.

Oxidation leads to degenerative changes in our body producing free radicals. The process of oxidation has many reasons including stress, pollution, smoking, radiation and junk food. Atom or molecules having with unpaired electrons cause radicals to be highly chemically reactive. Once in the body, the free radical searches for another cell from which it will steal an electron to stabilize itself, this Increases the oxidation of body. When it steals the electron, it turns the victim cell into a free radical. This free radical destabilizes the adjacent cell by stealing electron from it thus producing a chain of free radicals. Radicals, if allowed to run free in the body, may damages DNA, and produce inflammation, premature aging, and may be responsible for cancers. To stop this damage to the cell, these free radicals need to be neutralized.

Antioxidants like Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Beta-carotene, Selenium etc help us to protect against FREE RADICAL DAMAGE by neutralizing and scavenging the free radicals thus protecting the DNA.

 The normal functioning of cell depends on proper balance of pro-oxidants and antioxidants. The former promoted the release of oxygen to provide the energy needed for cell functioning. Antioxidants help to neutralize and counteract the detritus free radicals. But the natural mechanism may be inadequate some time-specially in pollution, poor environment, radiation, industrial effluent etc.

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How antioxidants are must for us against free radicals?

The answer lies in Antioxidants. If the body gets antioxidant in a range between RDA and ODA, it is sufficient for a normal person to protect from free radical damage. The amount of dosage depends upon the person, type of environment and his past health record.

Vitamin A- Vitamin a is prepared by the body from beta carotene. Vitamin A is important for growth and development of cell. Vitamin A is needed by the retina in the form of retinol. It stimulates the action of white blood cells which are part of our defense system against external dangers.


Animal food like butter, ghee, whole milk, curd, egg yolk, liver etc

Liver oil of certain fish like cod liver oil.

Shark fish etc

Vitamin A is great Ant aging Nutrient. Vitamin A helps the skin rebuild tissues.

Vitamin C- Vitamin C is water soluble essential vitamin that is quickly lost from our body. Vitamin C is important for immune system. Vitamin C is very helpful in iron absorption. If taken with iron and folic acid, improves hemoglobin. Vitamin C helps regenerate vitamin E within the body.


Citrus food like Guava, Kiwi (green), Lemon, Broccoli, Berries, Tomatoes etc.

Cabbage, Melons, Peas, Peppers, Pineapple etc.

Vitamin C improve the skin texture, Protect against the Skin Discoloration, Healing Wounds. Vitamin C protects the skin from ultraviolet radiation and the effect of sunlight exposure.

Vitamin E- Vitamin E is Fat soluble Nutrient. It helps to protect cell from the damage caused by free radicals. Vitamin E is key for strong immunity healthy skin and eyes.


Nuts (peanut, almonds etc), Seeds like sunflower seed.

Green vegetables

Vegetable oil

Vitamin E is an excellent moisturizer. It protect against UV rays. It prevents the aging.

How vitamin C and Vitamin E work together in our Body?

Vitamin C is water soluble essential nutrient; Vitamin E is Fat soluble Nutrient. Your cells are made up of two components. Cell membrane and Cell interior. Cell membrane is outer casing of the cell it consist fats. Vitamin E is dissolves in fats; it helps to prevent oxidation e.g. aging in the membrane. Inside the cell consist mostly of water. Vitamin C dissolves in water, it can enter the cell and collect the free radical oxidants. Together these two vitamins protect cell from free radical damage. Vitamin C and E are believed to protect sperms from damage and improved sperm motility.

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