A long drive calls for a cup of boiled or roasted sweet corn on a rainy day. It may be healthy and tasty! Sweet corn is loved globally for its sweetness and unique taste.
Maise is the common name for corn. Corn kernels have the most nutrients. These kernels range in colour from white to vivid yellow and orange.
According to NIN studies, corn has many health benefits because of its high mineral and nutritional composition, high fibre content and regular stool movement, which can prevent haemorrhoids. It promotes growth and weight gain.
Corn is recognised for its cancer-fighting antioxidants like vitamin E and polyphenols. It also lowers blood cholesterol, which protects the heart. Selenium, which is hard to find in a diet, is abundant.
Corn contains vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, fibre, lipids, and proteins. To support heart health, it has very little salt and cholesterol. Vitamins C and E in corn support the skin, hair, and immune systems.
100g of corn has
Corn has several advantages. Check it out!
Corn is carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin are antioxidants that protect ocular tissues from free radicals, according to NIN researchers. They prevent glaucoma and AMD by protecting the eye from organelles.
Protein-rich corn is a plant source. Methionine, a sulphur-based amino acid, helps skin and hair. Valine, isoleucine, and threonine repair muscle tissue and build teeth and enamel.
Many young adults and older persons acquire gluten intolerance to wheat, a prevalent ingredient in Indian cuisine. Naturally, gluten-free corn can replace wheat in chapatis, dosas, sweets, and mithais. For celiacs, this is indicated.
Corn is rich in calcium, strengthening children's bones. It also reduces osteoporosis symptoms in elderly people.
However, middle-aged and older adults should reduce their usage to support bone health and prevent gastrointestinal and kidney issues.
Phytates, tannins, and polyphenols inhibit digestion despite its high calories and carbohydrates. This aids diabetic. Corn also helps manage lifestyle diseases like diabetes and obesity due to its high fibre content and low digestion.
Anaemia affects millions of Indian men, women, and children each year, causing weariness and reduced productivity, according to ICMR and WHO data. Iron-rich diets effectively treat anemia.
Corn improves nerve impulse conduction and activates brain memory areas. Corn treats anxiety and insomnia by improving mood and sleep.
Heart patients can eat corn, according to NIN studies. Vitamin B3 (niacin) and high-fibre diets raise HDL and lower LDL. This avoids heart vessel plaque and fatty buildup, improving cardiac health and muscle function.
Moderate corn consumption benefits pregnant and lactating mothers. Corn's high iron and calcium helps pregnant women and young moms produce milk and balance hormones.
Corn has all the nutrients a growing child needs. Corn on the cob is often given to young children after vigorous exercise to stimulate growth and development. Starchy corn helps young children acquire weight and develop routines.
Fresh corn bhel is easy to make. Snack on it anytime. Lime juice or sliced raw mangoes can add spice and sourness to fresh corn bhel. This corn snack dish is fun for adults and kids.
Corn is nutritious, so eat it. It can be used in recipes. Corn may not be suitable for some diets. Avoid maise if you are attempting to cut carbs. Nuts, lean meat, fish, and dairy are protein-rich alternatives to corn.
Corn offers various nutritional benefits but less fibre than other complex carbs. Corn is still a good food. Corn avoidance is harmless. Many items contain maise and byproducts, so read ingredient labels.
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