Tips For Better Skin Care

Ever wondered how the models on the TV screen have such good skin? How do they keep shining all the time

The reason why you are this frustrated is because clear and glowing skin is a sign of good health and wellness. Skin is the most important component of not just your body but also your personality. It reflects the very first sight that one takes of you. The skin not only gives us the complexion and the confidence that we have but also protects us from external threats, like infections and vectors, all the more, taking shape of our first line of defense. Taking care of your skin is vital for healthcare as well as for personality development. 

Benefits of Skin Care remains immense and unbeatable. Some of them are:

Negligible Wrinkles

If one has healthy skin he/she does not have to worry about wrinkles. Healthy skin is highly flexible and does not age as quickly as unhealthy skin. Hence, taking good care of your skin can actually result in negligible wrinkles as you age. This helps you retain your youthfulness further along the line.

Lesser Cuts And Bruises

Healthy and flexible skin can easily defend itself against cuts and bruises in your daily routine. Lesser Cuts and bruises will not only make your skin further bright and shiny but also help keep it scar-free and happy. In case of a rise in the number of cuts and bruises in your life, it will not be any more about skin care or personality development. It will transform into a health hazard that requires medical attention.


Have you been one of those who is always self conscious of how they look? Ever worried about how puffy your eyes may look, how dirty your hands may look or how your face may need a little touch up? Even if you don’t realise it, skincare plays a vital role in the development of self dependency and confidence. Since skin care can be associated with personality development, taking good care of your skin can result in a major boost of confidence. If one’s skin is clear and bright, they are sure to be confident and stunning in any kind of a group setting. If their skin is too oily or dry for an outing, they will feel upset and nervous even inside a closed empty room at home.It may be more about one’s perspective and the way to look at things. Even so, it can be safely said that the feeling of self worth gets a greater push with better skin health along with it.

Lesser Infections

Since healthy skin has less number of cuts, cracks and bruises, it’s functionality as the body’s primary barrier against infections rises manifold. Because of this, the body comes in contact with fewer pathogens and gets infected less often than before.

Free Of Pimples And Acne

Every teenager hates pimples and acne. They always popup unannounced and don’t leave until all the parties are over. Because a healthy skin is clear of all kinds of pollutants, it is also free of excess oil and dirt. Because of this, the tendency to develop pimples and acne, especially in teenagers, reduced greatly. So, in order to keep your skin shiny and bright, take good care of it.

many functions of the body and causes numerous abnormalities thereof. Reduction of stress is imperative for skincare too. Stress makes the body produce cortisol, making the skin oilier. As a consequence, you may develop acne just because of stress. Furthermore, stress also causes insomnia and obesity both of which are detrimental for your body and skin. You are, hence, recommended to not to stress as much.

The following are some Tips For Better Skin Care follow this for better skincare:

The Right Kind Of Water

Bathing water plays a vital role in the maintenance of your skin. The pH of the water should be slightly acidic (6.0-7.5). The water should not be too hard or too soft. Just opt for regular water that does not dry your skin too much.Hard water contains a lot of magnesium and calcium, which can not only dry out your skin but also worsen acne and pimples.Soft water has a low count of magnesium and calcium in it, making it less damaging for your skin. But on the top of that, it leaves your skin slightly slippery and moist. This makes you feel as if the soap did not come off right, making you try to wash it off harder. That will leave your skin dehydrated and rough, anyway. Hence, it is imperative for you to choose the right kind of water for you.

Air Quality Check

Poor air quality can be toxic for your skin. Not only can it leave deposits of free radicals but also damage your skin and induce skin problems. Good air quality and negligible contact with smoke is recommended.For instance, the air quality index in the city of New Delhi during October is extremely hazardous on not only lungs and the immune system but also on the skin. The residents have to put an extra effort to keep their skin from developing health problems.

Green Tea Intake

Green tea is a great option for those who wish to cleanse off toxins from their bodies. Green tea can leave the skin glowing and reduce the number of blemishes to nil. Consumption of iced green tea is recommended in order to reduce the redness of the skin and to bring out the natural glow.

Don’t Stress As Much

Stress damages many functions of the body and causes numerous abnormalities thereof. It makes the body produce cortisol, making the skin oilier. As a consequence, you may develop acne just because of stress. Furthermore, stress also causes insomnia and obesity, both of which are detrimental for your body and skin. You are, hence, recommended to not to stress as much.

In case you are unable to get rid of your anxiety and panic attacks, it may be because of something beyond just skin care. Uncontrollable tension is a sign of a much more serious issue. One might consider going for therapy and getting it under control as soon as possible.To find the best therapist nearby, login to AstoCare and book with them easily online. For assistance regarding the same, contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

A Good Night’s Sleep

A good night’s sleep is quite important when we talk about skincare. Not only does it soothe your stress but it also promotes skin repair. Studies show that better skin health is linked to an 8-hour sleep schedule.Sleep deprivation will not only lead to the degeneration of the quality of the skin cells but also will prevent wounds from healing properly and quickly, making it a serious health hazard for your skin!

Consider A Dermatologist

If you feel like taking professional help, don’t hesitate to contact a dermatologist. Trouble finding one near you? Login to AstoCare and book with the best one from your city instantly. You can also read about Self Medication and how it impacts you.By taking the above-mentioned steps you will be able to step further into the skincare regime. Not only will your skin glow more but it will also make you look younger and healthier.

Even So, We Do Come Across Some Certain Circumstances Which Need To Be Avoided For Better Skin Health:

Don’t Undermine Sun Protection

Sun protection is heavily underrated. It not only moisturizer your skin but also keeps it bright and wrinkle-free. Furthermore, it helps your body evade the harmful rays of the sun. It also reduces the chances of skin cancer which may arise as a consequence of these rays.

Don’t Consume Caffeine In Any Form

Some people may suggest Caffeine consumption to reduce the under eye bags and dark circles in some cases. But in general, caffeine is not good for your entire body, skin included.

It narrows the blood vessels, tightens your skin and reduces it’s elasticity. It makes you look far older than you really are. Nevertheless, Caffeine withdrawal symptoms can lead to anxiety, panic attacks and even insomnia, all of which are enemies of your skin.

Don’t Bathe Too Much

It may sound odd but bathing too often can also be harmful for your skin. Bathing clears your skin of all kinds of bacteria, both good and bad. Bathing too often can deplete the presence of the good bacteria on your skin over a period of time.Lack of good bacteria on your skin can cause damage to your immunity. The skin is our primary barrier against infections. Lack of good bacteria makes it weak, fragile and incapable of protection against infections. Take good care of your skin but don’t overdo the cleanliness.

Don’t Smoke Or Drink

Smoking cigarettes, hukkahs, bidis, cigars etc. affects the functioning of your cardiovascular system. Poor provision of blood or provision of poor quality blood to the vessels under the skin will take away the shine from your skin. Smoke also de-oxyginates your skin, and can leave serious marks and scars. Drinking alcohol strips off from the body, vital nutrients, minerals and water. It dehydrates the skin bitterly.

Don’t Go For Processed Carbohydrates

Processed carbs may be bad for your entire system because they contain exorbitant amounts of sugar and hence insulin. Insulin can be damaging to skin and may result in a greater amount of oil on your skin. This can result in more pimples and severe acne attacks. Try going for simpler carbs and vegan substitutes for the same.

Don’t Drink Carbonated Drinks

Carbonated drinks can be heavily damaging to your system, your skin included. The unearthly amount of sugars that these contain will have a similar effect as that of processed carbs. Try replacing them with natural fruit juice and cold soups.ConclusionSkin care is quite very important for all of us, no matter what skin type we have. According to a study, 64.5% of us have a skin disease. Most of us don’t even know if we have them until we come across the dire consequences.

The only takeaway that one may draw from this article is that healthy skin is God gifted. We ought to cherish it and take good care of it. It protects us, and hence, we should protect it at all times.It is hoped that this article came to be not only insightful but also highly useful for you. For more on skin care or wellness in general, visit our blog or login to

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