People who follow ultra-modern lifestyle, or even a modern way of living are often accused of neglecting their health and body. Adrenal glands are one such part of our body that we often chose to ignore. Due to excess stress on adrenal glands, cortisol levels in our body get elevated and other systems in the body become weak.
Have a look at these 5 signs of adrenal fatigue.
Most people choose to put self-care at the bottom of our priority list, and then it goes past the point of no return! It’s true that it can be simpler to say ‘yes’ than ‘no’ by and large – yet the key to your prosperity dwells in self-care habits. You need to stay away from tasks that don’t result in positive outcomes for your body, and include some self-care into your schedule.
Normally, we need to get at least 8 to 10 hours of continuous sleep every night. However, there are many people especially millennials (people reaching young adulthood in the early 21st century) choose to do more work (or stay awake unnecessarily) instead of sleeping or getting rest. People have developed a habit of rushing things and this throws them off balance and makes it difficult to fall/stay asleep. This also leads to anxiety and adrenal fatigue.
The main aim of Workout is to make you full of energy, and it shouldn't make you feel depleted and exhausted subsequently. Physical anxiety is a well-known stressor for the adrenal organs – too much workout can do the opposite of what you need, as it pressurise your body.
When adrenal fatigue enters 2nd stage, your thyroid gland will be affected. This may end up creating troubling symptoms of a hypothyroid (fatigue, excess weight, dry hair and skin, poor flow of blood). When your adrenal glands fail to stay awake of stress levels, hormone manufacturer will be diverted for cortisol generation, which can result in a hormone imbalance.
Anxiety kicks in, when you’re going through too much in your life. You might be running on an adrenaline rush, if there’s a lot of pressure of deadlines and a busy schedule. Adrenal hormones are known to be involved in swinging moods, cognitive function, temperament, and mental states in extremely complex ways.
Stress or pressure is directly connected with anxiety and depression. When we become less ‘tolerant’ towards our body and mental condition than we normally are, then we become easily frustrated! Stress caused by adrenalfatigue ultimately results in anxiety and depression. Apart from medical treatment, you need to make lifestyle changes to make sure that you stay fit and healthy.