4 Hidden Symptoms Of Ptsd After A Car Accident

Here are four lesser known signs of PTSD you might experience after a car accident.

A car accident's trauma can devastate one’s emotional and mental health. PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) is a typical result of traumatic experiences, such as being in a car accident. As with most mental illnesses, the symptoms of PTSD vary from person to person. But there are some hidden symptoms that you may not be aware of if you or someone you know has been in an accident. Here are four common yet underreported symptoms of PTSD after a car accident.

Physical Changes

While many people are familiar with PTSD's psychological effects—such as flashbacks, nightmares, and avoidance behavior—there can also be physical changes associated with it as well. These can include headaches, nausea, chest pain or tightness, dizziness, and fatigue—all of which could be attributed to the trauma experienced in the car accident. If any of these physical changes persist long after an accident has occurred, they could be an indication of PTSD. You should be sure to mention these symptoms to your car accident lawyer, as you might be able to get additional compensation for your trauma. 

Intrusive Thoughts

Intrusive thoughts are another symptom often associated with PTSD that can manifest itself during or after a traumatic event. These intrusive thoughts may include persistent negative thoughts about oneself or others involved in the car crash. They can also manifest as feeling like the world is constantly spinning out of control or having feelings of terror for no apparent reason. It is important to note if any intrusive thought appears after a car accident and seek professional help if necessary.


Hypervigilance is another symptom that can arise from the trauma experienced in a car crash. Hypervigilance involves constantly feeling on edge and expecting danger from every corner—even when no danger is present. It can lead to difficulty concentrating on tasks at work or school. It may cause one to feel overwhelmed by everyday activities that were once easily manageable before the trauma occurred.

Sleeping Difficulties

Difficulty sleeping is another common symptom associated with PTSD following an automobile accident—and it can come in many different forms, including insomnia, nightmares about the crash itself, night terrors involving re-experiencing the trauma from the crash, or even extreme fatigue during waking hours due to lack of sleep altogether. All these sleeping difficulties should be monitored closely after experiencing trauma from an auto accident to determine if they could be signs of PTSD developing over time.

PTSD is a legitimate mental illness affecting millions worldwide yearly due to traumatic experiences such as being involved in a car accident. If you or someone you know was recently involved in an auto collision and had been exhibiting unusual behavioral changes since then, it could indicate post-traumatic stress disorder developing over time. It should be taken seriously by seeking professional help right away to prevent further complications down the road.

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