Colorado Orthodontists Offer Affordable Dental Implants

A Colorado orthodontist offers best of dental services to children and adults alike. Some of the most common and cost-effective dental treatment includes teeth whitening, dental implants, insertion of veneers, bridges, dentures, etc.

Orthodontic treatment is done to correct improper teeth, to enhance the smile, and improve the shape of the jaw. Colorado orthodontist suggests a dental implant when a person has the following problems:

  • Excessive space in between teeth
  • Irregular teeth
  • Smile and facial expression defects
  • Tooth decay and cavities in the gums
  • Eating and speaking problems

Both children and adults can undergo an orthodontic treatment at any time. Malocclusion caused because of a crooked tooth or improper bite needs to be treated in order to reduce abnormal chewing and eating patterns and correct speech defects. Moreover, people with a maligned tooth or teeth feel shy to smile in front of other people being afraid people will see their teeth defect and make fun of them.

Early Symptoms of Orthodontic Problems

1.When you or your child opens the mouth, you see a wide gap in between teeth, a crooked tooth or overlapping teeth

2.Facing problems while eating, chewing, and speaking

3.Shifting of the jaw when biting food stuffs

4.Protruding of a tooth

What age should my child be seen by an orthodontist?

According to a Colorado orthodontist, a child should be brought for treatment by the age of seven. Early detection of any orthodontic problems is important for an on time dental service and recovery of the same fast.

The treatment procedure

A child is usually given braces in order to correct the teeth. Initially, some discomfort can occur; however after a few days such discomfort tends to disappear. While wearing braces can be advantageous for a child, a Colorado orthodontist usually recommends dental implants in case of adults. It is because braces take a long time to straighten a tooth. Moreover, braces lead to pain and discomfort in the mouth. A person cannot eat solid food like carrots, raw corn, popcorn, etc. to avoid damaging the the wiring of the braces.

Dentists in USA offer affordable dental implants services to bring a person's lost smile back. The treatment procedure includes removal of the damaged tooth, cleaning and washing of the area, creating a replica of the tooth to be placed, placing a temporary dental crown till the permanent one comes developed from the laboratory, and finally placing the permanent crown in the affected area. The dental crown is placed on top of a metal post that is fixed deep in the tooth root. The entire treatment process can take days to a month's time. Besides, the patient needs to visit the dentist for a couple of times post-surgery for checking the condition of the implant.

Often dental surgeons might take the decision of a major bone grafting in case the jaw bone is not strong enough to support a dental implant. The process involves cutting a portion of your hip bone and grafting the same on your jaw bone. Post surgery, it might take a number of days for complete healing of the same. However, minor grafting can be done in a day or two. The treatment method completely depends on the condition of the patient's jaw bone.

Jacob Martin is familiar with some well-known Colorado orthodontist offering dental services to help you maintain healthy teeth. He knows a lot about teeth whitening, porcelain veneers, root canal, affordable dental implants, and how these help you get back your million dollar smile.

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