Who Is A Good Candidate For Lip Repositioning?

Lip repositioning surgery is a cosmetic procedure designed to correct a gummy smile...

Lip repositioning surgery is a cosmetic procedure designed to correct a gummy smile by altering the position of the upper lip. This procedure can significantly enhance smile aesthetics and boost self-confidence for those who feel self-conscious about excessive gum exposure. However, not everyone with a gummy smile is an ideal candidate for lip repositioning surgery. Understanding who makes a good candidate involves considering various factors, including the cause of the gummy smile, overall health, and individual expectations.

Understanding a Gummy Smile

A gummy smile, also known as excessive gingival display, occurs when more than 3-4 millimeters of gum tissue is exposed while smiling. Several factors can contribute to a gummy smile, including:

  • Hyperactive Upper Lip: A condition where the upper lip elevates excessively, revealing more of the gums.
  • Short Upper Lip: A naturally short upper lip can cause more gum tissue to be exposed.
  • Excessive Gum Tissue: Overgrowth of gum tissue can contribute to the appearance of a gummy smile.
  • Tooth Eruption Issues: Teeth that appear short due to incomplete eruption or wear can result in a gummy smile.
  • Jaw Development: The vertical development of the upper jaw can also cause excessive gingival display.

Ideal Candidates for Lip Repositioning Surgery

1. Individuals with a Hyperactive Upper Lip

One of the primary groups of ideal candidates for lip repositioning surgery includes individuals with a hyperactive upper lip. In these cases, the upper lip rises too high when smiling, exposing a significant amount of gum tissue. Lip repositioning surgery can effectively address this issue by adjusting the muscle attachment that controls the upper lip's movement, thereby reducing the extent to which the lip elevates when smiling.

2. Patients with Short Upper Lips

People with naturally short upper lips can benefit from lip repositioning surgery. The procedure lowers the upper lip's resting position, reducing gum exposure and creating a more balanced and aesthetically pleasing smile.

3. Healthy Individuals

Candidates for lip repositioning surgery should be in good overall health. This includes having no significant medical conditions that could impair healing or increase surgical risks. A thorough medical evaluation during the initial consultation helps determine if the candidate is physically fit for the procedure.

4. Non-Smokers

Smoking can significantly impact the healing process and increase the risk of complications. Therefore, non-smokers or individuals willing to quit smoking before and after the surgery are considered better candidates for lip repositioning.

5. Realistic Expectations

Ideal candidates for lip repositioning surgery should have realistic expectations about the results. While the procedure can significantly improve the appearance of a gummy smile, it is essential to understand the limitations and potential outcomes. A thorough discussion with the surgeon during the consultation can help set realistic expectations.

6. Stable Dental and Gum Health

Candidates should have stable dental and gum health before undergoing lip repositioning surgery. Issues such as gum disease, tooth decay, or other oral health problems need to be addressed prior to the procedure to ensure optimal results and reduce the risk of complications.

Conditions and Factors to Consider

1. Age

While there is no strict age limit for lip repositioning surgery, candidates should have completed facial growth. This typically occurs in the late teens or early twenties. Performing the surgery before facial growth is complete can result in changes that affect the long-term outcome of the procedure.

2. Severity of Gummy Smile

The severity of the gummy smile can influence the decision to undergo lip repositioning surgery. For individuals with mild to moderate gummy smiles, the procedure can be highly effective. However, those with severe gummy smiles due to skeletal or dental issues may require a combination of treatments, such as orthognathic surgery or orthodontic intervention, to achieve optimal results.

3. Psychological Readiness

Undergoing cosmetic surgery can have a significant emotional impact. Candidates should be psychologically ready for the procedure and the changes it will bring. They should also be prepared for the recovery period and follow post-operative care instructions diligently.

4. Consultation and Evaluation

A comprehensive consultation and evaluation by a qualified and experienced cosmetic surgeon are crucial in determining candidacy for lip repositioning surgery. During the consultation, the surgeon will:

  • Examine the Smile: Assess the degree of gum exposure and the underlying cause of the gummy smile.
  • Discuss Medical History: Review the candidate's medical history and current health status to identify any potential risks.
  • Evaluate Dental and Gum Health: Ensure that the candidate's oral health is stable and suitable for surgery.
  • Discuss Goals and Expectations: Understand the candidate's aesthetic goals and explain the expected outcomes of the procedure.

Alternatives to Lip Repositioning Surgery

For individuals who are not suitable candidates for lip repositioning surgery, alternative treatments may be considered:

  • Orthodontic Treatment: Braces or clear aligners can address dental issues contributing to a gummy smile.
  • Botox Injections: Botox can temporarily reduce the elevation of the upper lip, providing a non-surgical solution for a gummy smile.
  • Gum Contouring: Laser gum contouring can reshape excessive gum tissue to improve smile aesthetics.


Lip lowering procedure offers a viable solution for individuals with a gummy smile, particularly those with a hyperactive or short upper lip. Good candidates are healthy individuals with stable dental health, realistic expectations, and a desire to enhance their smile aesthetics. A thorough consultation with a qualified cosmetic surgeon is essential to determine candidacy and develop a personalized treatment plan. By addressing the specific causes of a gummy smile, lip repositioning surgery can significantly improve smile aesthetics and boost self-confidence, leading to a more satisfying and confident smile.

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