Can You Eat With Orthodontic Wax – Some Do’s And Don’ts

Every orthodontist will recommend that you remove your orthodontic wax before eating or drinking.

Have you just got braces in your mouth? Welcome to the braces club. We will help you navigate this chapter of life as you are pondering over innovative ways to approach tasks that somehow you took for granted previously. Having braces in your mouth would mean difficulty in brushing and chewing. But do not worry, you are not alone. The phase will pass soon.

While you are comfortable wearing orthodontic wax because it helps you relieve the sharp pain and soreness, you may be wondering if you could eat with the wax put on. Before we go to the point, let us help you understand orthodontic wax and its uses here.

What is orthodontic wax?

When you get your braces for the first time, whether they are made of metal or ceramic, your mouth needs some time to adjust. Quite often, a bracket or wire of your braces in Manchester will keep rubbing against your jaw lips, or cheeks leading to a canker sore or mouth ulcer. To avoid this condition, you can protect the affected area using orthodontic wax.

Orthodontic wax is a soft and pliable material that is designed to create a protective layer between your braces and the soft tissues of your mouth. The wax is made with a blend of natural waxes, such as beeswax, and it is completely safe to use. Orthodontists recommend the orthodontic wax to alleviate discomfort and prevent irritation caused by rubbing of brackets and wires.

Can We Eat with Orthodontic braces?

Okay, so it is safe to use orthodontic wax. But is it safe to eat when putting wax in the mouth? Let us find out.

Every orthodontist will recommend that you remove your orthodontic wax before eating or drinking. While orthodontic wax is non-toxic and will not harm you even if you accidentally swallow it, it is not meant to be consumed. Chances are, you may intake some wax but there is no need to panic. Your body will easily dispose of it just like anything else.

Having that said, it is also important to avoid eating when you wear orthodontic wax to avoid dislodging or swallowing it. Even if you are super careful and the wax doesn’t come out while eating, there are still chances of the wax getting mixed with your food. The food particles when combined with wax can get stuck in your mouth to create more breeding grounds for bacteria. It will increase your risk of tooth decay and gum problems.

If you are wondering how and what to eat with braces in Manchester, you can reach out to us. Our orthodontist will help you learn everything about braces and Invisalign in Manchester.

Greek Jordan is author of this article and writes since long time. For further details about Invisalign in Manchester please visit the website.

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