Gum disease, also called periodontal disease, is the cause of tooth loss among adults and accounts for almost 70 percent causes of tooth loss.
Beginning with bacteria accumulation on the teeth, which can cause inflammation in the gums, gum disease destroys the gum tissues as it progresses. It can also destroy the jawbone beneath the gums, resulting in la ack of support for the teeth.
The first phase of gum disease is gingivitis which is fairly common, with almost half of adults experiencing it at some point.
However, it can be reversed with adequate care. But when left untreated, pockets between the tooth and gum can form and fill up with harmful bacteria, transforming into gum disease.
Getting rid of bacteria in the mouth becomes impossible after the disease sets in and can result in causes of tooth loss.
Cavities are holes in teeth that are caused due to tooth decay caused by a bacterial infection. If left untreated, these can damage the enamel and the pulp in the center of the tooth, necessitating a root canal or removal of the tooth.
Cavities can be prevented by practicing good oral health habits and hygiene, opting for healthy foods & drinks, and ensuring regular dental checkups to ensure their early detection as early treatment can help to save your tooth. Read more