This is a common question. A tooth remains intact when a crack occurs. This crack may extend all the way down from the gum line to the chewing surface. The crack or the fracture line may be visible to the naked eye or may show in an x-ray or under a microscope. Sometimes this crack can extend to the root and pulp causing severe pain.
A chipped tooth, on the other hand, is a broken tooth. A small or a bigger portion of the tooth may be broken due to a number of reasons.
These are the factors that make a tooth or the teeth more prone to cracks, chipping or fractures. These are-
Dental problems are not only cosmetic issues but they also cause a lot of pain and distress. When a person has a chipped or cracked tooth it can lead to pain, loss of tooth if not treated in time, a change in appearance, etc. The treatment, cost, time, and healing depend upon the type of injury, the extent of damage, and how early the damage is addressed, amongst other things.
Now, this is something most people want to know and this is only possible with minor damage. In other cases, you will need dental treatment. Even in the latter scenario, there are certain things you can do before seeing the dentist at Morgan Hill Dentistry which is an emergency dental clinic that can minimize the damage, reduce pain and reduce distress.