Top 5 Foods That Help Clean Your Teeth

=Having a healthy mouth means having a healthy life.

There is a direct relationship between your oral health and your overall physical health. With poor oral health comes stroke, diabetes and heart problems. Studies have even linked poor oral health with certain cancers. Having a healthy mouth means that you can keep your teeth for a lifetime. Teeth are used in various tasks so keeping them in the best condition they can possibly be is a must.

The surest way to maintain the health of our teeth is to follow a good oral health care regimen. Aside from the regular brushing, flossing and visits to the dentist, you also need to watch the food that you eat. It helps to eat food items that are free from artificial sugar and flavoring; it would be a bonus to eat those that help keep the teeth healthy and clean. Be low are five healthy food items that not only fill you up with a good dose of vitamins and minerals but effectively clean your teeth as well.

  1. Cheese. Research from the American Academy of General Dentistry has shown that eating cheese can increase the pH level in the mouth. In turn, this lowers the risk for teeth decay in the long run. They were able to conclude that cheese does help in maintaining oral health, for as long as it is eaten in moderation.
  2. Leafy greens. Kale and other kinds of leafy greens are filled with vitamins and minerals that are essential to everyday living. They also contain high amounts of calcium that helps build the teeth enamel and give protection to your teeth for a long time.
  3. Fruits. Generally, sweet food items contain sugar that can pave the way for teeth decay. However, some sweet foods are actually beneficial to oral health. Fruits are high in water and fiber that are very food for overall oral health. They also help with saliva production in the mouth that helps wash away food particles and bacteria, and neutralize acid.
  4. Almonds. A great source of protein and calcium, almonds keep the teeth and gums strong and healthy. Almonds are perfect to take along for snacks when you are out from home. They can also be added to any meal for additional flavor and nutrients.
  5. Celery. Celery helps remove food particles and bacteria from the teeth, keeping the gums and teeth healthy. This power vegetable also gives the body good doses of vitamins A and C that can give the teeth additional protection from infection.

If you know the kind of food items that work great in protecting the teeth and gums against bacteria and infection, then you can make more informed choices during your next trip to the grocery store. If you have any more questions about maintaining oral health, do not hesitate to a reputable dentist in your area. They would be glad to give you guidance on the right food to eat for your teeth’s optimal health, along with other tips to stay away from dental problems.

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